Ralph H Castain wrote:

I. Support for non-MPI jobs
Considerable complexity currently exists in ORTE because of the stipulation
in our first requirements document that users be able to mpirun non-MPI jobs
- i.e., that we support such calls as "mpirun -n 100 hostname". This creates
a situation, however, where the RTE cannot know if the application will call
MPI_Init (or at least orte_init), which has significant implications to the
RTE's architecture. For example, during the launch of the application's
processes, the RTE cannot go into any form of blocking receive while waiting
for the procs to report a successful startup as this won't occur for
execution of something like "hostname".

Jeff has noted that support for non-MPI jobs is not something most (all?)
MPIs currently provide, nor something that users are likely to exploit as
they can more easily just "qsub hostname" (or the equivalent for that
environment). While nice for debugging purposes, therefore, it isn't clear
that supporting non-MPI jobs is worth the increased code complexity and

In addition, the fact that we do not know if a job will call Init limits our
ability to do collective communications within the RTE, and hence our
scalability - see the note on that specific subject for further discussion
on this area.

This would be a "regression" in behavior, though, so the questions for the
community are:

(a) do we want to retain the feature to run non-MPI jobs with mpirun as-is
(and accept the tradeoffs, including the one described below in II)?
Hi Ralph:
From a user standpoint, a) would be preferable. However, as you point out, there are issues. Are you saying that we cannot do collectives (Item III) if we preserve a? Or is it that things will just be more complex. I guess I am looking for more details about what the tradeoffs are for preserving a.

Having said that, we would probably be OK with b) if that makes things better/faster/robuster.


(b) do we provide a flag to mpirun (perhaps adding the distinction that
"orterun" must be used for non-MPI jobs?) to indicate "this is NOT an MPI
job" so we can act accordingly?

(c) simply eliminate support for non-MPI jobs?

(d) other suggestions?


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