I'm not sure exactly how you are trying to do this, but the usual procedure
would be:

1. call opal_dss.pack(*buffer, *data, #data, data_type) for each thing you
want to put in the buffer. So you might call this to pack a string:

opal_dss.pack(*buffer, &string, 1, OPAL_STRING);

2. once you have everything packed into the buffer, you send the buffer with

orte_rml.send_buffer(*dest, *buffer, dest_tag, 0);

What you will need is a tag that the daemon is listening on that won't
interfere with its normal operations - i.e., what you send won't get held
forever waiting to get serviced, and your servicing won't block us from
responding to a ctrl-c. You can probably use ORTE_RML_TAG_DAEMON, but you
need to ensure you don't block anything.

BTW: how is the app figuring out the name of the remote daemon? The proc
will have access to the daemon's vpid (assuming it knows the nodename where
the daemon is running) in the ESS, but not the jobid - I assume you are
using some method to compute the daemon jobid from the apps?

On 6/17/08 12:08 PM, "Leonardo Fialho" <lfia...@aomail.uab.es> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I´m using RML to send log messages from a PML to a ORTE daemon (located
> in another node). I got success sending the message header, but now I
> need to send the message data (buffer). How can I do it? The problem is
> what data type I need to use for packing/unpacking? I tried
> OPAL_DATA_VALUE but don´t get success...
> Thanks,

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