I did not think it was required but it hung me up when I built ompi on one system which had the ibcm libraries and then ran on a system without the ibcm libs. I had another issue on the system without ibcm libs which prevented my building there but I will go down that path again. Thanks.

Jeff Squyres wrote:
That is the IBCM library for the IBCM CPC -- IB connection manager stuff.

It's not *necessary*; you could use the OOB CPC if you want to.

That being said, OMPI currently builds support for it (and links it in) if it finds the right headers and library files. We don't currently have configury to disable this behavior (and *not* build RDMACM and/or IBCM support).

Do you have a problem / need to disable building support for IBCM?

On Jul 2, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Don Kerr wrote:

It appears that the mca_btl_openib.so has a dependency on libibcm.so. Is this necessary?

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