I think the point is that as a group, we consciously, deliberately, and painfully decided not to support multi-cluster. And as a result, we ripped out a lot of supporting code. Starting down this path again will likely result in a) re-opening all the discussions, b) re-adding a lot of code (or code effectively similar to what was there before). Let's not forget that there were many unsolved problems surrounding multi-cluster last time, too.

It was also pointed out in Ralph's mails that, at least from the descriptions provided, adding the field in orte_node_t does not actually solve the problem that ORNL is trying to solve.

If we, as a group, decide to re-add all this stuff, then a) recognize that we are flip-flopping *again* on this issue, and b) it will take a lot of coding effort to do so. I do think that since this was a group decision last time, it should be a group decision this time, too. If this does turn out to be as large of a sub-project as described, I would be opposed to the development occurring on the trunk; hg trees are perfect for this kind of stuff.

I personally have no customers who are doing cross-cluster kinds of things, so I don't personally care if cross-cluster functionality works its way [back] in. But I recognize that OMPI core members are investigating it. So the points I'm making are procedural; I have no real dog in this fight...

On Sep 22, 2008, at 4:40 PM, George Bosilca wrote:


There is NO need to have this discussion again, it was painful enough last time. From my perspective I do not understand why are you making so much noise on this one. How a 4 lines change in some ALPS specific files (Cray system very specific to ORNL) can generate more than 3 A4 pages of emails, is still something out of my perception.

If they want to do multi-cluster and they do not break anything in ORTE/OMPI and they do not ask other people to do it for them why trying to stop them ?


On Sep 22, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:

There was a very long drawn-out discussion about this early in 2007. Rather than rehash all that, I'll try to summarize it here. It may get confusing - it helped a whole lot to be in a room with a whiteboard. There were also presentations on the subject - I believe the slides may still be in the docs repository.

Because terminology quickly gets confusing, we adopted a slightly different one for these discussions. We talk about OMPI being a "single cell" system - i.e., jobs executed via mpirun can only span nodes that are reachable by that mpirun. In a typical managed environment, a cell aligns quite well with a "cluster". In an unmanaged environment where the user provides a hostfile, the cell will contain all nodes specified in the hostfile.

We don't filter or abort for non-matching hostnames - if mpirun can launch on that node, then great. What we don't support is asking mpirun to remotely execute another mpirun on the frontend of another cell in order to launch procs on the nodes in -that- cell, nor do we ask mpirun to in any way manage (or even know about) any procs running on a remote cell.

I see what you are saying about the ALPS node name. However, the field you want to add doesn't have anything to do with accept/ connect. The orte_node_t object is used solely by mpirun to keep track of the node pool it controls - i.e., the nodes upon which it is launching jobs. Thus, the mpirun on cluster A will have "nidNNNN" entries it got from its allocation, and the mpirun on cluster B will have "nidNNNN" entries it got from its allocation - but the two mpiruns will never exchange that information, nor will the mpirun on cluster A ever have a need to know the node entries for cluster B. Each mpirun launches and manages procs -only- on the nodes in its own allocation.

I agree you will have issues when doing the connect/accept modex as the nodenames are exchanged and are no longer unique in your scenario. However, that info stays in the ompi_proc_t - it never gets communicated to the ORTE layer as we couldn't care less down there about the remote procs since they are under the control of a different mpirun. So if you need to add a cluster id field for this purpose, it needs to go in ompi_proc_t - not in the orte structures.

And for that, you probably need to discuss it with the MPI team as changes to ompi_proc_t will likely generate considerable discussion.

FWIW: this is one reason I warned Galen about the problems in reviving multi-cluster operations again. We used to deal with multi- cells in the process name itself, but all that support has been removed from OMPI.

Hope that helps

On Sep 22, 2008, at 1:39 PM, Matney Sr, Kenneth D. wrote:

I may be opening a can of worms...

But, what prevents a user from running across clusters in a "normal
OMPI", i.e., non-ALPS environment?  When he puts hosts into his
hostfile, does it parse and abort/filter non-matching hostnames? The problem for ALPS based systems is that nodes are addressed via NID,PID
pairs at the portals level.  Thus, these are unique only within a
cluster. In point of fact, I could rewrite all of the ALPS support to identify the nodes by "cluster_id".NID. It would be a bit inefficient
within a cluster because, we would have to extract the NID from this
syntax as we go down to the portals layer.  It also would lead to a
larger degree of change within the OMPI ALPS code base. However, I can give ALPS-based systems the same feature set as the rest of the world.
It just is more efficient to use an additional pointer in the
orte_node_t structure and results is a far simpler code structure. This
makes it easier to maintain.

The only thing that "this change" really does is to identify the cluster under which the ALPS allocation is made. If you are addressing a node in another cluster, (e.g., via accept/connect), the clustername/ NID pair
is unique for ALPS as a hostname on a cluster node is unique between
clusters. If you do a gethostname() on a normal cluster node, you are
going to get mynameNNNNN, or something similar.  If you do a
gethostname() on an ALPS node, you are going to get nidNNNNN; there is
no differentiation between cluster A and cluster B.

Perhaps, my earlier comment was not accurate. In reality, it provides the same degree of identification for ALPS nodes as hostname provides for normal clusters. From your perspective, it is immaterial that it
also would allow us to support our limited form of multi-cluster
support. However, of and by itself, it only provides the same level of
identification as is done for other cluster nodes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Castain [mailto:r...@lanl.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 2:33 PM
To: Open MPI Developers
Cc: Matney Sr, Kenneth D.
Subject: Re: [OMPI devel] [OMPI svn] svn:open-mpi r19600

The issue isn't with adding a string. The question is whether or not
OMPI is to support one job running across multiple clusters. We made a
conscious decision (after lengthy discussions on OMPI core and ORTE
mailing lists, plus several telecons) to not do so - we require that
the job execute on a single cluster, while allowing connect/accept to
occur between jobs on different clusters.

It is difficult to understand why we need a string (or our old "cell
id") to tell us which cluster we are on if we are only following that operating model. From the commit comment, and from what I know of the
system, the only rationale for adding such a designator is to shift
back to the one-mpirun-spanning-multiple-cluster model.

If we are now going to make that change, then it merits a similar
level of consideration as the last decision to move away from that
model. Making that move involves considerably more than just adding a
cluster id string. You may think that now, but the next step is
inevitably to bring back remote launch, killing jobs on all clusters
when one cluster has a problem, etc.

Before we go down this path and re-open Pandora's box, we should at
least agree that is what we intend to do...or agree on what hard
constraints we will place on multi-cluster operations. Frankly, I'm
tired of bouncing back-and-forth on even the most basic design


On Sep 22, 2008, at 11:55 AM, Richard Graham wrote:

What Ken put in is what is needed for the limited multi-cluster
we need, just one additional string.  I don't think there is a need
for any
discussion of such a small change.


On 9/22/08 1:32 PM, "Ralph Castain" <r...@lanl.gov> wrote:

We really should discuss that as a group first - there is quite a bit
of code required to actually support multi-clusters that has been

Our operational model that was agreed to quite a while ago is that
mpirun can -only- extend over a single "cell". You can connect/ accept multiple mpiruns that are sitting on different cells, but you cannot
execute a single mpirun across multiple cells.

Please keep this on your own development branch for now. Bringing it into the trunk will require discussion as this changes the operating model, and has significant code consequences when we look at abnormal
terminations, comm_spawn, etc.


On Sep 22, 2008, at 11:26 AM, Richard Graham wrote:

This check in was in error - I had not realized that the checkout
was from
the 1.3 branch, so we will fix this, and put these into the trunk
(1.4).  We
are going to bring in some limited multi-cluster support - limited
is the
operative word.


On 9/22/08 12:50 PM, "Jeff Squyres" <jsquy...@cisco.com> wrote:

I notice that Ken Matney (the committer) is not on the devel
list; I
added him explicitly to the CC line.

Ken: please see below.

On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:46 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:

Whoa! We made a decision NOT to support multi-cluster apps in OMPI
over a year ago!

Please remove this from 1.3 - we should discuss if/when this would
even be allowed in the trunk.


On Sep 22, 2008, at 10:35 AM, mat...@osl.iu.edu wrote:

Author: matney
Date: 2008-09-22 12:35:54 EDT (Mon, 22 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 19600
URL: https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/changeset/19600

Added member to orte_node_t to enable multi-cluster jobs in ALPS
scheduled systems (like Cray XT).

Text files modified:
branches/v1.3/orte/runtime/orte_globals.h |     4 ++++
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Modified: branches/v1.3/orte/runtime/orte_globals.h
= = = ==============================================================
--- branches/v1.3/orte/runtime/orte_globals.h (original)
+++ branches/v1.3/orte/runtime/orte_globals.h 2008-09-22 12:35:54
EDT (Mon, 22 Sep 2008)
@@ -222,6 +222,10 @@
/** Username on this node, if specified */
char *username;
char *slot_list;
+ /** Clustername (machine name of cluster) on which this node
+        resides.  ALPS scheduled systems need this to enable
+        multi-cluster support.  */
+    char *clustername;
} orte_node_t;

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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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