Ah - no problem! Glad it was simple.

Be aware that the RML is the layer responsible for routing OOB messages. So if you go through the OOB interface, you lose all message routing - which means forcing open additional connections and potentially confusing the system.

We should undoubtedly document that somewhere so others don't mistakenly use the OOB interfaces directly.

Thanks for bringing this up!

On Jan 20, 2009, at 8:06 AM, Timothy Hayes wrote:

Hi Ralph,

I'm quite embarrassed, I misread the function prototype and was passing in the actual proc_name rather than a pointer to it! It didn't complain when I was compiling so I didn't think twice. It was silly mistake on my part in any case! That RML tip is still handy though, thanks.


2009/1/20 Ralph Castain <r...@lanl.gov>
You sholud be able to use the OOB by that point in the system. However, that is the incorrect entry point for sending messages - you need to enter via the RML. The correct call is to orte_rml.send_nb.

Or, if you are going to send a buffer instead of an iovec, then the call would be to orte_rml.send_buffer_nb.


On Jan 19, 2009, at 1:01 PM, Timothy Hayes wrote:


I'm in the midst of writing a BTL component, all is going well although today I ran into something unexpected. In the mca_btl_base_module_add_procs_fn_t function, I'm trying to call mca_oob_tcp_send_nb() which is returning -12 (ORTE_ERR_UNREACH). Is this normal or have I done something wrong? Is there a way around this? It would be great if I could call this function in that particular area of code.

Kind regards
Tim Hayes
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