I think you are running into a bug that we saw also and we recently fixed. We would see a hang when we were sending from a contiguous type to a non-contiguous type using a single port over openib. The problem was that the state of the request on the sending side was not being properly updated in that case. The reason we see it with only one port vs two is because different protocols are used depending on the number of ports.

Don Kerr found and fixed the problem in both the trunk and the branch.

Trunk:      https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/changeset/21775
1.3 Branch: https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/changeset/21833

If you are running the latest bits and still seeing the problem, then I guess it is something else.


On 09/04/09 04:40, Sylvain Jeaugey wrote:
Hi all,

We're currently working with romio and we hit a problem when exchanging data with hindexed types with the openib btl.

The attached reproducer (adapted from romio) is working fine on tcp, blocks on openib when using 1 port but works if we use 2 ports (!). I tested it against the trunk and the 1.3.3 release with the same conclusions.

The basic idea is : processes 0..3 send contiguous data to process 0. 0 receives these buffers with an hindexed datatype which scatters data at different offsets.

Receiving in a contiguous manner works, but receiving with an hindexed datatype makes the remote sends block. Yes, the remote send, not the receive. The receive is working fine and data is correctly scattered on the buffer, but the senders on the other node are stuck in the Wait().

I tried not using MPI_BOTTOM, which changed nothing. It seems that the problem only occurs when STRIPE*NB (the size of the send) is higher than 12k -namely the RDMA threshold- but I didn't manage to remove the deadlock by increasing the RDMA threshold.

I've tried to do some debugging, but I'm a bit lost on where the non-contiguous types are handled and how they affect btl communication.

So, if anyone has a clue on where I should look at, I'm interested !



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