On 11/30/2010 09:00 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
On Nov 30, 2010, at 8:54 AM, Joshua Hursey wrote:

Can you make a v1.7 milestone on Trac, so I can move some of my tickets?
I have a question about Josh's recent ticket moves. One of them mentions 1.5 is stablizing quickly Josh can you clarify what you mean by quickly because I think there will be a 1.5 release 3-6 months from now. So does that fall into your quickly perspective?

Some are CMRs, but a couple are defects, with fixes in development, that 
without those CMRs cannot be moved to v1.5.


On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

I'm about 2 weeks late on this email; apologies.  SC and Thanksgiving got in 
the way.

Per a discussion on the devel teleconf nearly 3 weeks ago, we have decided what 
to do with the v1.5 series:

- 1.5.1 will be a bug fix release.  There's 2 blocker bugs right now that need 
to be reviewed; those and the currently ready-to-commit major CMR are all that 
is planned for 1.5.1.  Hopefully, they could be ready by tonight.

- 1.5.2 (and successive releases) will be "normal" feature releases.  There's a 
bit of divergence between the trunk and the v1.5 branch, meaning that some porting of 
features may be required to get over to the v1.5 branch (FWIW, I think that many things 
will not require much porting at all -- but some will).  Many of the CMRs filed against 
v1.5.2 are still relevant; *some* of the features/bugs are still relevant.  We'll start 
[re-]examining the v1.5.2 tickets in more detail soon.  So feel free to apply to have 
your favorite feature brought over to the v1.5 branch.  Bigger features may be kept in 
the wings for v1.7 (e.g., the wholesale ORTE refresh for v1.5.x has been axed and will 
wait until v1.7).  There is a bunch of affinity work occurring on the trunk (and/or in hg 
branches) right now; we plan to bring all that stuff in to the v1.5 series when ready 
(probably 3+ months at the earliest -- especially with the December holidays delaying 
everything).  Once that's done, we!
n then probably start thinking about wrapping up the v1.5 series, converting it 
to its stable counterpart (1.6), and then branching for v1.7.

Jeff Squyres
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Joshua Hursey
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
Oracle *- Performance Technologies*
95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
Email terry.don...@oracle.com <mailto:terry.don...@oracle.com>

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