Excellent points Ken; thanks!

I expanded the FAQ entry here to include these points:


On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:52 AM, Ken Cain wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> We have had some recent experience with this in an Open MPI 1.4.x version and 
> thought it would be useful to contribute to the discussion. Please see below.
> Jeff Squyres wrote:
>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:25 PM, George Bosilca wrote:
>>> The main problem is that openib require to pin memory pages in order to 
>>> take advantage of RMA features. There is a major issues with these pinned 
>>> pages and fork, leading to segmentation fault in some specific cases. 
>>> However, we only pin the pages on the MPI calls related to data transfers. 
>>> Therefore, if you call fork __before__ any other MPI data transfer function 
>>> (but after MPI_Init as you use the process rank), your application should 
>>> be safe.
>> Note that Open MPI also pins some internal memory during MPI_INIT, but that 
>> memory is totally internal to libmpi, so you should be safe (i.e., you 
>> should never be able to find it and therefore never be able to try to touch 
>> it).
> This is what we believe happened in our testing:
> 1. MPI_init allocated and pinned down some memory. This memory was 64 byte 
> aligned and not page-aligned to 4096 bytes. So an allocation that ideally 
> should have resulted in 2 pages being pinned, actually had 3 pages pinned 
> with lots of unused memory on the 3rd page.
> 2. A child process created via popen tried to allocate some memory (perhaps a 
> byproduct of popen execution itself) and was allocated memory on that last 
> page with lots of unused memory. When the child tried to touch the 
> allocation, there was seg fault.
> We could reduce the probability of this happenning by changing the alignment 
> of MPI allocations to 4096 bytes. But since MPI allocations are not sized to 
> be multiple of page size, this isn't a foolproof method.
> One way (agreed not ideal) to avoid the potential seg fault is to set the MCA 
> parameter btl_openib_want_fork_suppoort = 0. But then you are "trusting" any 
> child processes to not intentionally or as a result of a bug, touch the 
> memory regions that have been registered/pinned by the parent.
>>>> How can one be sure that the disabling the warning is ok? Could you please 
>>>> elaborate on what makes forks vulnerable? May be that will guide the 
>>>> developers to make an informed decision on whether to disable them or find 
>>>> another alternative.
>>> No way to know at 100%. Now for an elaborate answer: Once upon a time ... 
>>> The fork story is a long and boring one, we would all have preferred to 
>>> never heard about it (believe me). A quick and compressed version can be 
>>> found on the QLogic download page 
>>> (http://filedownloads.qlogic.com/files/driver/70277/release_QLogicIB-Basic_4400_Rev_A.html).
>> That's a good summary.  The issue is with OFED itself, not with Open MPI.
>> Note, too, that calling popen() should also be safe (even though we'll warn 
>> about it -- our atfork hook has no way of knowing whether you're calling 
>> system, popen, or something else).
> Thanks,
> -Ken
> -- 
> Ken Cain
> Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. (http://www.mc.com)
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Jeff Squyres
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