I don't see where you told OMPI to --bind-to-core. We don't automatically bind, 
so you have to explicitly tell us to do so.

On Mar 23, 2012, at 6:20 AM, Pavel Mezentsev wrote:

> Hello
> I'm doing some testing with IMB and dicovered a strange thing:
> Since I have a system with new AMD opteron 6276 processors I'm using 1.5.5rc3 
> since it supports binding to cores.
> But when I run the barrier test form intel mpi benchmarks, the best I get is:
> #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
>           598     15159.56     15211.05     15184.70
>  (/opt/openmpi-1.5.5rc3/intel12/bin/mpirun -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=1  -hostfile 
> hosts_all2all_2 -npernode 32 --mca btl openib,sm,self -mca 
> coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules 1 -mca coll_tuned_barrier_algorithm 1 -np 256 
> openmpi-1.5.5rc3/intel12/IMB-MPI1 -off_cache 16,64 -msglog 1:16 -npmin 256 
> barrier)
> And with openmpi 1.5.4 the result is much better:
> #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
>          1000       113.23       113.33       113.28
> (/opt/openmpi-1.5.4/intel12/bin/mpirun -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=1  -hostfile 
> hosts_all2all_2 -npernode 32 --mca btl openib,sm,self -mca 
> coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules 1 -mca coll_tuned_barrier_algorithm 3 -np 256 
> openmpi-1.5.4/intel12/IMB-MPI1 -off_cache 16,64 -msglog 1:16 -npmin 256 
> barrier)
> and still I couldn't come close to the result I got with mvapich:
> #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
>          1000        17.51        17.53        17.53
> (/opt/mvapich2-1.8/intel12/bin/mpiexec.hydra -env OMP_NUM_THREADS 1 -hostfile 
> hosts_all2all_2 -np 256 mvapich2-1.8/intel12/IMB-MPI1 -mem 2 -off_cache 16,64 
> -msglog 1:16 -npmin 256 barrier)
> I dunno if this is a bug or me doing something not the way I should. So is 
> there a way to improve my results?
> Best regards,
> Pavel Mezentsev
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