Hi Jeff,

Do you mean "attend" or "do a talk" ?


Le 20/11/2012 16:16, Jeff Squyres a écrit :
Cool!  Thanks for the invite.

Do we have any European friends who would be able to attend this conference?

On Nov 20, 2012, at 10:02 AM, Sylwester Arabas wrote:

Dear Open MPI Team,

A day-long session ("devroom") on Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) 
for scientists will be held during the next FOSDEM conference, Brussels, 2-3 February 
2013 (http://fosdem.org/2013).

We aim at having a dozen or two short talks introducing projects, advertising 
brand new features of established tools, discussing issues relevant to the 
development of software for scientific computing, and touching on the 
interdependence of FLOSS and open science.

You can find more info on the call for talks at:

The deadline for sending talk proposals is December 16th 2012.

Please send your submissions or comments to:

Please do forward this message to anyone potentially interested.  Please also 
let us know if you have any suggestions for what would you like to hear about 
in the devroom.

Looking forward to meeting you in Brussels.
Thanks in advance.

The conveners,
Sylwester Arabas, Juan Antonio Añel, Christos Siopis

P.S. There are open calls for main-track talks, lightning talks, and stands at 
FOSDEM as well, see: https://www.fosdem.org/2013/

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