Mr mohammad assadsolimani,

1. your questions belongs to the 'OMPI users' mailing list, this one is for developers.

2. in MPI, the input parameters are defined to be integers.
Integers usually are 32bit long (unless you use ILP64 instead of LP64, what is still unusual). So I swear, your program send the messages as byte sequences and thus cannot send more than 2^31 (=2Gb) in one call. Possible solutions:
- send data in chunks
- use ILP64 (no idea about Open MPI support it)
- use constructed data types instead of "bytes". (using doubles istead of sending the same data as byte sequence lead to 8x raise of the max message size).

see also
esp. pp. 6 - 7.



On 07/08/13 15:08, mohammad assadsolimani wrote:

Dear all,

I do my PhD in physics and  use a program, which uses openmpi for
a sophisticated calculation.
But there is a Problem with "max. message size ". That is limited to  ~2GB.
I do not know how is called it exactly?!
Is there any possibility to extend this memory size?

I am very grateful for all of   your help  and thank you in advanced

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