On 7/8/2013 3:32 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
According to https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/wiki/Admistrative%20rules, it 
is time for our annual review of Open MPI SVN accounts of these SVN repos: 
hwloc, mtt, ompi-docs, ompi-tests, ompi-www, ompi.

*** Organizations must reply by COB Friday, 12 July, 2013 ***
*** No reply means: delete all of my organization's SVN accounts

Each organization must reply and specify which of their accounts can stay and 
which should go.  I cross-referenced the SVN logs from all of our SVN 
repositories to see who has not committed anything in the past year.

emallove: Ethan Mallove <ethan.mall...@oracle.com> **NO COMMITS IN LAST YEAR**
eugene:   Eugene Loh <eugene....@oracle.com>
tdd:      Terry Dontje <terry.don...@oracle.com>
Please keep eugene, but close emallove and tdd.

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