On Aug 27, 2013, at 3:13 PM, Nathan Hjelm <hje...@lanl.gov> wrote:

>>>  1a. ompi_info has a *very long-standing precedent* behavior of using 
>>> <framework> MCA params to exclude the display of components (and their 
>>> params). Users have come to rely on this behavior to test that OMPI is 
>>> honoring their $HOME/.openmpi-mca-params.conf file (for example) because -- 
>>> at least prior to new ompi_info -- there was no other way to verify that.
> Please take a look @ r29070. I changed the default behavior of ompi_info
> -a when --level is not specified to assume level 9. I also added an
> option (--selected-only/-s) that limits the output to components that
> may be selected. Let me know if this fix is ok.

I don't think it's going to be enough.

George's point is that the *default behavior* for ompi_info for years has been 
to do what --selected-only does.  So adding a non-default option to get that 
same behavior... I think George will hate that.  Right, George?  :-)

I think your option 2b) from your previous mail was the compromise:

To summarize what will be done:

1) --all without a --level will assume --level 9
2) Either a) add an option to ompi_info to suppress registering all
components when a component selection parameter is set (ie. --mca btl
self,sm) or b) somehow mark the parameters of unused components as such.

I.e., show all components, but mark those who are not selected somehow.

Sorry.  :-\

Jeff Squyres
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