On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 5:21 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:

> Sorry to chime in a little late. George is likely correct about using
> ORTE_NAME, only you can't do that as the OPAL layer has no idea what that
> datatype looks like. This was the original reason for creating the
> opal_identifier_t type - I had no other choice when we moved the db
> framework (now dstore) to the OPAL layer in anticipation of the BTLs moving
> to OPAL. The abstraction requirement wouldn't allow me to pass down the
> structure definition.

We are talking about nidmap.c which has not yet been moved down to OPAL.


> The easiest solution is probably to change the opal/db/hash code so that
> 64-bit fields are memcpy'd instead of simply passed by "=". This should
> eliminate the problem with the least fuss.
> There is a performance penalty for using non-aligned data, and ideally we
> should use aligned data whenever possible. This code isn't in the critical
> path and so this is less of an issue, but still would be nice to do.
> However, I didn't do so for the following reasons:
> * I couldn't find a way for the compiler to check/require alignment down
> in opal_db.store when passed a parameter. If someone knows of a way to do
> that, please feel free to suggest it
> * none of our current developers have access to a Solaris SPARC machine,
> and thus our developers cannot detect violations when they occur
> * the current solution avoids the issue, albeit with a slight performance
> penalty
> I'm open to alternative methods - I'm not happy with the ugliness this
> required, but couldn't come up with a cleaner solution that would be easy
> for developers to know when they violated the alignment requirement.
> FWIW: it is possible, I suppose, that the other discussion about using an
> opal_process_name_t that exactly mirrors orte_process_name_t could also
> resolve this problem in a cleaner fashion. I didn't impose that requirement
> here, but maybe it's another motivator for doing so?
> Ralph
> On Aug 7, 2014, at 11:46 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet <
> gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org> wrote:
>  George,
> (one of the) faulty line was :
>                    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc =
> opal_db.store((opal_identifier_t*)ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME, OPAL_SCOPE_INTERNAL,
> OPAL_DB_LOCALLDR, (opal_identifier_t*)&proc, OPAL_ID_T))) {
> so if proc is not 64 bits aligned, a SIGBUS will occur on sparc.
> as you pointed, replacing OPAL_ID_T with ORTE_NAME will very likely fix
> the issue (i have no arch to test...)
> i was initially also "confused" with the following line
>         if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = opal_db.store((opal_identifier_t*)&proc,
>                                                 ORTE_DB_NPROC_OFFSET,
> &offset, OPAL_UINT32))) {
> the first argument of store is an (opal_identifier_t *)
> strictly speaking this is "a pointer to a 64 bits aligned address", and
> proc might not be 64 bits aligned.
> /* that being said, there is no crash :-) */
> in this case, opal_db.store pointer points to the store function
> (db_hash.c:178)
> and proc is only used id memcpy at line 194, so 64 bits alignment is not
> required.
> (and comment is explicit : /* to protect alignment, copy the data across
> */
> that might sounds pedantic, but are we doing the right thing here ?
> (e.g. cast to (opal_identifier_t *), followed by a memcpy  in case the
> pointer was not 64 bits aligned
> vs always use aligned data ?)
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 2014/08/08 14:58, George Bosilca wrote:
> This is a gigantic patch for an almost trivial issue. The current problem
> is purely related to the fact that in a single location (nidmap.c) the
> orte_process_name_t (which is a structure of 2 integers) is supposed to be
> aligned based on the uint64_t requirements. Bad assumption!
> Looking at the code one might notice that the orte_process_name_t is stored
> using a particular DSS type OPAL_ID_T. This is a shortcut that doesn't hold
> on the SPARC architecture because the two types (int32_t and int64_t) have
> different alignments.  However, ORTE define a type for orte_process_name_t.
> Thus, I think that if instead of saving the orte_process_name_t as an
> OPAL_ID_T, we save it as an ORTE_NAME the issue will go away.
>   George.
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:04 AM, Gilles Gouaillardet 
> <gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org> wrote:
>  Kawashima-san and all,
> Here is attached a one off patch for v1.8.
> /* it does not use the __attribute__ modifier that might not be
> supported by all compilers */
> as far as i am concerned, the same issue is also in the trunk,
> and if you do not hit it, it just means you are lucky :-)
> the same issue might also be in other parts of the code :-(
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 2014/08/08 13:45, Kawashima, Takahiro wrote:
>  Gilles, George,
> The problem is the one Gilles pointed.
> I temporarily modified the code bellow and the bus error disappeared.
> --- orte/util/nidmap.c  (revision 32447)
> +++ orte/util/nidmap.c  (working copy)
> @@ -885,7 +885,7 @@
>      orte_proc_state_t state;
>      orte_app_idx_t app_idx;
>      int32_t restarts;
> -    orte_process_name_t proc, dmn;
> +    orte_process_name_t proc __attribute__((__aligned__(8))), dmn;
>      char *hostname;
>      uint8_t flag;
>      opal_buffer_t *bptr;
> Takahiro Kawashima,
> MPI development team,
> Fujitsu
>  Kawashima-san,
> This is interesting :-)
> proc is in the stack and has type orte_process_name_t
> with
> typedef uint32_t orte_jobid_t;
> typedef uint32_t orte_vpid_t;
> struct orte_process_name_t {
>     orte_jobid_t jobid;     /**< Job number */
>     orte_vpid_t vpid;       /**< Process id - equivalent to rank */
> };
> typedef struct orte_process_name_t orte_process_name_t;
> so there is really no reason to align this on 8 bytes...
> but later, proc is casted into an uint64_t ...
> so proc should have been aligned on 8 bytes but it is too late,
> and hence the glory SIGBUS
> this is loosely related 
> tohttp://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/devel/2014/08/15532.php
> (see heterogeneous.v2.patch)
> if we make opal_process_name_t an union of uint64_t and a struct of two
> uint32_t, the compiler
> will align this on 8 bytes.
> note the patch is not enough (and will not apply on the v1.8 branch
>  anyway),
>  we could simply remove orte_process_name_t and ompi_process_name_t and
> use only
> opal_process_name_t (and never declare variables with type
> opal_proc_name_t otherwise alignment might be incorrect)
> as a workaround, you can declare an opal_process_name_t (for alignment),
> and cast it to an orte_process_name_t
> i will write a patch (i will not be able to test on sparc ...)
> please note this issue might be present in other places
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 2014/08/08 13:03, Kawashima, Takahiro wrote:
>  Hi,
>    I have installed openmpi-1.8.2rc2 with gcc-4.9.0 on Solaris
> 10 Sparc and I receive a bus error, if I run a small program.
>    I've finally reproduced the bus error in my SPARC environment.
> #0 0xffffffff00db4740 (__waitpid_nocancel + 0x44)
>   (0x200,0x0,0x0,0xa0,0xfffff80100064af0,0x35b4)
>   #1 0xffffffff0001a310 (handle_signal + 0x574) (signo=10,info=(struct
>   siginfo *) 0x000007feffffd100,p=(void *) 0x000007feffffd100) at line 277 in
> ../sigattach.c <SIGNAL HANDLER>
>   #2 0xffffffff0282aff4 (store + 0x540) (uid=(unsigned long *)
>   0xffffffff0118a128,scope=8:'\b',key=(char *) 0xffffffff0106a0a8
> "opal.local.ldr",data=(void *) 0x000007feffffde74,type=15:'\017') at line
> 252 in db_hash.c
>   #3 0xffffffff01266350 (opal_db_base_store + 0xc4) (proc=(unsigned long
>   *) 0xffffffff0118a128,scope=8:'\b',key=(char *) 0xffffffff0106a0a8
> "opal.local.ldr",object=(void *) 0x000007feffffde74,type=15:'\017') at line
> 49 in db_base_fns.c
>   #4 0xffffffff00fdbab4 (orte_util_decode_pidmap + 0x790) (bo=(struct *)
>   0x0000000000281d70) at line 975 in nidmap.c
>   #5 0xffffffff00fd6d20 (orte_util_nidmap_init + 0x3dc) (buffer=(struct
>   opal_buffer_t *) 0x0000000000241fc0) at line 141 in nidmap.c
>   #6 0xffffffff01e298cc (rte_init + 0x2a0) () at line 153 in
>   ess_env_module.c
>   #7 0xffffffff00f9f28c (orte_init + 0x308) (pargc=(int *)
>   0x0000000000000000,pargv=(char ***) 0x0000000000000000,flags=32) at line
> 148 in orte_init.c
>   #8 0xffffffff001a6f08 (ompi_mpi_init + 0x31c) (argc=1,argv=(char **)
>   0x000007fefffff348,requested=0,provided=(int *) 0x000007feffffe698) at line
> 464 in ompi_mpi_init.c
>   #9 0xffffffff001ff79c (MPI_Init + 0x2b0) (argc=(int *)
>   0x000007feffffe814,argv=(char ***) 0x000007feffffe818) at line 84 in init.c
>   #10 0x0000000000100ae4 (main + 0x44) (argc=1,argv=(char **)
>   0x000007fefffff348) at line 8 in mpiinitfinalize.c
>   #11 0xffffffff00d2b81c (__libc_start_main + 0x194)
>   (0x100aa0,0x1,0x7fefffff348,0x100d24,0x100d14,0x0)
>   #12 0x000000000010094c (_start + 0x2c) ()
> The line 252 in opal/mca/db/hash/db_hash.c is:
>     case OPAL_UINT64:
>         if (NULL == data) {
>             return OPAL_ERR_BAD_PARAM;
>         }
>         kv->type = OPAL_UINT64;
>         kv->data.uint64 = *(uint64_t*)(data); // !!! here !!!
>         break;
> My environment is:
>   Open MPI v1.8 branch r32447 (latest)
>   configure --enable-debug
>   SPARC-V9 (Fujitsu SPARC64 IXfx)
>   Linux (custom)
>   gcc 4.2.4
> I could not reproduce it with Open MPI trunk nor with Fujitsu compiler.
> Can this information help?
> Takahiro Kawashima,
> MPI development team,
> Fujitsu
>  Hi,
> I'm sorry once more to answer late, but the last two days our mail
> server was down (hardware error).
>  Did you configure this --enable-debug?
>  Yes, I used the following command.
> ../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/configure
>   --prefix=/usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc \
>     --libdir=/usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64 \
>   --with-jdk-bindir=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0/bin \
>   --with-jdk-headers=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0/include \
>   JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0 \
>   LDFLAGS="-m64 -L/usr/local/gcc-4.9.0/lib/amd64" \
>   CC="gcc" CXX="g++" FC="gfortran" \
>   CFLAGS="-m64" CXXFLAGS="-m64" FCFLAGS="-m64" \
>   CPP="cpp" CXXCPP="cpp" \
>   --enable-mpi-cxx \
>   --enable-cxx-exceptions \
>   --enable-mpi-java \
>   --enable-heterogeneous \
>   --enable-mpi-thread-multiple \
>   --with-threads=posix \
>   --with-hwloc=internal \
>   --without-verbs \
>   --with-wrapper-cflags="-std=c11 -m64" \
>   --enable-debug \
>   |& tee log.configure.$SYSTEM_ENV.$MACHINE_ENV.64_gcc
>  If so, you should get a line number in the backtrace
>  I got them for gdb (see below), but not for "dbx".
> Kind regards
> Siegmar
>  On Aug 5, 2014, at 2:59 AM, Siegmar Gross
>  <siegmar.gr...@informatik.hs-fulda.de> 
> <siegmar.gr...@informatik.hs-fulda.de> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I'm sorry to answer so late, but last week I didn't have Internet
> access. In the meantime I've installed openmpi-1.8.2rc3 and I get
> the same error.
>  This looks like the typical type of alignment error that we used
> to see when testing regularly on SPARC.  :-\
> It looks like the error was happening in mca_db_hash.so.  Could
> you get a stack trace / file+line number where it was failing
> in mca_db_hash?  (i.e., the actual bad code will likely be under
> opal/mca/db/hash somewhere)
>  Unfortunately I don't get a file+line number from a file in
> opal/mca/db/Hash.
> tyr small_prog 102 ompi_info | grep MPI:
>                Open MPI: 1.8.2rc3
> tyr small_prog 103 which mpicc
> /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/bin/mpicc
> tyr small_prog 104 mpicc init_finalize.c
> tyr small_prog 106 /opt/solstudio12.3/bin/sparcv9/dbx
>  /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/bin/mpiexec
>  For information about new features see `help changes'
> To remove this message, put `dbxenv suppress_startup_message 7.9'
>    in your
>   .dbxrc
>  Reading mpiexec
> Reading ld.so.1
> Reading libopen-rte.so.7.0.4
> Reading libopen-pal.so.6.2.0
> Reading libsendfile.so.1
> Reading libpicl.so.1
> Reading libkstat.so.1
> Reading liblgrp.so.1
> Reading libsocket.so.1
> Reading libnsl.so.1
> Reading libgcc_s.so.1
> Reading librt.so.1
> Reading libm.so.2
> Reading libpthread.so.1
> Reading libc.so.1
> Reading libdoor.so.1
> Reading libaio.so.1
> Reading libmd.so.1
> (dbx) check -all
> access checking - ON
> memuse checking - ON
> (dbx) run -np 1 a.outRunning: mpiexec -np 1 a.out
> (process id 27833)
> Reading rtcapihook.so
> Reading libdl.so.1
> Reading rtcaudit.so
> Reading libmapmalloc.so.1
> Reading libgen.so.1
> Reading libc_psr.so.1
> Reading rtcboot.so
> Reading librtc.so
> Reading libmd_psr.so.1
> RTC: Enabling Error Checking...
> RTC: Running program...
> Write to unallocated (wua) on thread 1:
> Attempting to write 1 byte at address 0xffffffff79f04000
> t@1 (l@1) stopped in _readdir at 0xffffffff55174da0
> 0xffffffff55174da0: _readdir+0x0064:    call
>  _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_+0x2380 [PLT] ! 0xffffffff55342a80
>  (dbx) where
> current thread: t@1
> =>[1] _readdir(0xffffffff79f00300, 0x2e6800, 0x4, 0x2d, 0x4,
>  0xffffffff79f00300), at 0xffffffff55174da0
>   [2] list_files_by_dir(0x100138fd8, 0xffffffff7fffd1f0,
>    0xffffffff7fffd1e8,
>   0xffffffff7fffd210, 0x0, 0xffffffff702a0010), at
>  0xffffffff63174594
>  [3] foreachfile_callback(0x100138fd8, 0xffffffff7fffd458, 0x0,
>    0x2e, 0x0,
>   0xffffffff702a0010), at 0xffffffff6317461c
>   [4] foreach_dirinpath(0x1001d8a28, 0x0, 0xffffffff631745e0,
>  0xffffffff7fffd458, 0x0, 0xffffffff702a0010), at 0xffffffff63171684
>   [5] lt_dlforeachfile(0x1001d8a28, 0xffffffff6319656c, 0x0, 0x53,
>    0x2f,
>   0xf), at 0xffffffff63174748
>   [6] find_dyn_components(0x0, 0xffffffff6323b570, 0x0, 0x1,
>  0xffffffff7fffd6a0, 0xffffffff702a0010), at 0xffffffff63195e38
>   [7] mca_base_component_find(0x0, 0xffffffff6323b570,
>    0xffffffff6335e1b0,
>   0x0, 0xffffffff7fffd6a0, 0x1), at 0xffffffff631954d8
>   [8] mca_base_framework_components_register(0xffffffff6335e1c0,
>    0x0, 0x3e,
>   0x0, 0x3b, 0x100800), at 0xffffffff631b1638
>   [9] mca_base_framework_register(0xffffffff6335e1c0, 0x0, 0x2,
>  0xffffffff7fffd8d0, 0x0, 0xffffffff702a0010), at 0xffffffff631b24d4
>   [10] mca_base_framework_open(0xffffffff6335e1c0, 0x0, 0x2,
>  0xffffffff7fffd990, 0x0, 0xffffffff702a0010), at 0xffffffff631b25d0
>   [11] opal_init(0xffffffff7fffdd70, 0xffffffff7fffdd78, 0x100117c60,
>  0xffffffff7fffde58, 0x400, 0x100117c60), at
>  0xffffffff63153694
>  [12] orterun(0x4, 0xffffffff7fffde58, 0x2, 0xffffffff7fffdda0, 0x0,
>  0xffffffff702a0010), at 0x100005078
>   [13] main(0x4, 0xffffffff7fffde58, 0xffffffff7fffde80, 0x100117c60,
>  0x100000000, 0xffffffff6a700200), at 0x100003d68
>  (dbx)
> I get the following output with gdb.
> tyr small_prog 107 /usr/local/gdb-7.6.1_64_gcc/bin/gdb
>  /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/bin/mpiexec
>  GNU gdb (GDB) 7.6.1
> Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
>  <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
>  This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
> There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show
>    copying"
>    and "show warranty" for details.
> This GDB was configured as "sparc-sun-solaris2.10".
> For bug reporting instructions, please 
> see:<http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/> 
> <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>...
> Reading symbols from
>  /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/bin/orterun...done.
>  (gdb) run -np 1 a.out
> Starting program: /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/bin/mpiexec -np 1
>    a.out
>    [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
> [New Thread 1 (LWP 1)]
> [New LWP    2        ]
> [tyr:27867] *** Process received signal ***
> [tyr:27867] Signal: Bus Error (10)
> [tyr:27867] Signal code: Invalid address alignment (1)
> [tyr:27867] Failing at address: ffffffff7fffd224
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6.2.0:opal_b
>   acktrace_print+0x2c
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6.2.0:0xccfa
>   0
>  /lib/sparcv9/libc.so.1:0xd8b98
> /lib/sparcv9/libc.so.1:0xcc70c
> /lib/sparcv9/libc.so.1:0xcc918
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/openmpi/mca_db_hash.so:0x3e
>   e8 [ Signal 10 (BUS)]
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6.2.0:opal_d
>   b_base_store+0xc8
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-rte.so.7.0.4:orte_u
>   til_decode_pidmap+0x798
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-rte.so.7.0.4:orte_u
>   til_nidmap_init+0x3cc
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/openmpi/mca_ess_env.so:0x22
>   6c
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-rte.so.7.0.4:orte_i
>   nit+0x308
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libmpi.so.1.5.2:ompi_mpi_in
>   it+0x31c
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libmpi.so.1.5.2:PMPI_Init+0
>   x2a8
> /home/fd1026/work/skripte/master/parallel/prog/mpi/small_prog/a.out:main+0x20
> /home/fd1026/work/skripte/master/parallel/prog/mpi/small_prog/a.out:_start+0x7c
>    [tyr:27867] *** End of error message ***
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    mpiexec noticed that process rank 0 with PID 27867 on node tyr
>    exited on
>   signal 10 (Bus Error).
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    [LWP    2         exited]
> [New Thread 2        ]
> [Switching to Thread 1 (LWP 1)]
> sol_thread_fetch_registers: td_ta_map_id2thr: no thread can be
>    found to
>   satisfy query
>  (gdb) bt
> #0  0xffffffff7f6173d0 in rtld_db_dlactivity () from
>  /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
>  #1  0xffffffff7f6175a8 in rd_event () from /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
> #2  0xffffffff7f618950 in lm_delete () from /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
> #3  0xffffffff7f6226bc in remove_so () from /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
> #4  0xffffffff7f624574 in remove_hdl () from
>    /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
>    #5  0xffffffff7f61d97c in dlclose_core () from
>    /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
>    #6  0xffffffff7f61d9d4 in dlclose_intn () from
>    /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
>    #7  0xffffffff7f61db0c in dlclose () from /usr/lib/sparcv9/ld.so.1
> #8  0xffffffff7ec7746c in vm_close ()
>   from /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6
> #9  0xffffffff7ec74a4c in lt_dlclose ()
>   from /usr/local/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6
> #10 0xffffffff7ec99b70 in ri_destructor (obj=0x1001ead30)
>    at
> ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/mca/base/mca_base_component_repository.c:391
>    #11 0xffffffff7ec98488 in opal_obj_run_destructors
>    (object=0x1001ead30)
>       at ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/class/opal_object.h:446
> #12 0xffffffff7ec993ec in mca_base_component_repository_release (
>    component=0xffffffff7b023cf0 <mca_oob_tcp_component>)
>    at
> ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/mca/base/mca_base_component_repository.c:244
>    #13 0xffffffff7ec9b734 in mca_base_component_unload (
>    component=0xffffffff7b023cf0 <mca_oob_tcp_component>,
>    output_id=-1)
>       at
>     ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/mca/base/mca_base_components_close.c:47
>    #14 0xffffffff7ec9b7c8 in mca_base_component_close (
>    component=0xffffffff7b023cf0 <mca_oob_tcp_component>,
>    output_id=-1)
>       at
>     ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/mca/base/mca_base_components_close.c:60
>    #15 0xffffffff7ec9b89c in mca_base_components_close (output_id=-1,
>    components=0xffffffff7f12b430 <orte_oob_base_framework+80>,
>    skip=0x0)
>    ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>    at
>     ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/mca/base/mca_base_components_close.c:86
>    #16 0xffffffff7ec9b804 in mca_base_framework_components_close (
>    framework=0xffffffff7f12b3e0 <orte_oob_base_framework>, skip=0x0)
>    at
>     ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/mca/base/mca_base_components_close.c:66
>    #17 0xffffffff7efae1e4 in orte_oob_base_close ()
>    at
>    ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/orte/mca/oob/base/oob_base_frame.c:94
>    #18 0xffffffff7ecb28ac in mca_base_framework_close (
>    framework=0xffffffff7f12b3e0 <orte_oob_base_framework>)
>    at
>    ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/opal/mca/base/mca_base_framework.c:187
>    #19 0xffffffff7bf078c0 in rte_finalize ()
>    at
>    ../../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/orte/mca/ess/hnp/ess_hnp_module.c:858
>    #20 0xffffffff7ef30a44 in orte_finalize ()
>    at ../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/orte/runtime/orte_finalize.c:65
> #21 0x00000001000070c4 in orterun (argc=4, argv=0xffffffff7fffe0e8)
>    at ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/orte/tools/orterun/orterun.c:1096
> #22 0x0000000100003d70 in main (argc=4, argv=0xffffffff7fffe0e8)
>    at ../../../../openmpi-1.8.2rc3/orte/tools/orterun/main.c:13
> (gdb)
> Is the above information helpful to track down the error? Do you
>    need
>    anything else? Thank you very much for any help in advance.
> Kind regards
> Siegmar
>  On Jul 25, 2014, at 2:08 AM, Siegmar Gross
>   <siegmar.gr...@informatik.hs-fulda.de> 
> <siegmar.gr...@informatik.hs-fulda.de> wrote:
>   Hi,
> I have installed openmpi-1.8.2rc2 with gcc-4.9.0 on Solaris
> 10 Sparc and I receive a bus error, if I run a small program.
> tyr hello_1 105 mpiexec -np 2 a.out
> [tyr:29164] *** Process received signal ***
> [tyr:29164] Signal: Bus Error (10)
> [tyr:29164] Signal code: Invalid address alignment (1)
> [tyr:29164] Failing at address: ffffffff7fffd1c4
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6.2.0:opal_b
>   acktrace_print+0x2c
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6.2.0:0xccfd
>   0
>   /lib/sparcv9/libc.so.1:0xd8b98
> /lib/sparcv9/libc.so.1:0xcc70c
> /lib/sparcv9/libc.so.1:0xcc918
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/openmpi/mca_db_hash.so:0x3e
>   e8 [ Signal 10 (BUS)]
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-pal.so.6.2.0:opal_d
>   b_base_store+0xc8
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-rte.so.7.0.4:orte_u
>   til_decode_pidmap+0x798
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-rte.so.7.0.4:orte_u
>   til_nidmap_init+0x3cc
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/openmpi/mca_ess_env.so:0x22
>   6c
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libopen-rte.so.7.0.4:orte_i
>   nit+0x308
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libmpi.so.1.5.2:ompi_mpi_in
>   it+0x31c
> /export2/prog/SunOS_sparc/openmpi-1.8.2_64_gcc/lib64/libmpi.so.1.5.2:PMPI_Init+0
>   x2a8
> /home/fd1026/work/skripte/master/parallel/prog/mpi/hello_1/a.out:main+0x20
> /home/fd1026/work/skripte/master/parallel/prog/mpi/hello_1/a.out:_start+0x7c
>     [tyr:29164] *** End of error message ***
> ...
> I get the following output if I run the program in "dbx".
> ...
> RTC: Enabling Error Checking...
> RTC: Running program...
> Write to unallocated (wua) on thread 1:
> Attempting to write 1 byte at address 0xffffffff79f04000
> t@1 (l@1) stopped in _readdir at 0xffffffff55174da0
> 0xffffffff55174da0: _readdir+0x0064:    call
>   _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_+0x2380 [PLT] ! 0xffffffff55342a80
>   (dbx)
> Hopefully the above output helps to fix the error. Can I provide
> anything else? Thank you very much for any help in advance.
> Kind regards
> Siegmar
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