I d like to make a step back ...

i previously tested with slurm 2.6.0, and it complained about the
slurm_verbose symbol that is defined in libslurm.so
so with slurm 2.6.0, RTLD_GLOBAL or relinking is ok

now i tested with slurm 2.6.6 and it complains about the
slurm_auth_get_arg_desc symbol, and this symbol is not
defined in any dynamic library. it is internally defined in the static
libcommon.a library, which is used to build the slurm binaries.

as far as i understand, auth_munge.so can only be invoked from a slurm
binary, which means it cannot be invoked from an mpi application
even if it is linked with libslurm, libpmi, ...

that looks like a slurm design issue that the slurm folks will take care of.



On 2014/12/02 12:33, Ralph Castain wrote:
> Another option is to simply add the -lslurm -lauth flags to the pmix/s1 
> component as this is the only place that requires it, and it won't hurt 
> anything to do so.
>> On Dec 1, 2014, at 6:03 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet 
>> <gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> FWIW, you can read my analysis of what is going wrong at
>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/pmix-devel/2014/11/0293.php 
>> <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/pmix-devel/2014/11/0293.php>
>> bottom line, i agree this is a slurm issue (slurm plugin should depend
>> on libslurm, but they do not, yet)
>> a possible workaround would be to make the pmi component a "proxy" that
>> dlopen with RTLD_GLOBAL the "real" component in which the job is done.
>> that being said, the impact is quite limited (no direct launch in slurm
>> with pmi1, but pmi2 works fine) so it makes sense not to work around
>> someone else problem.
>> and that being said, configure could detect this broken pmi1 and not
>> build pmi1 support or print a user friendly error message if pmi1 is used.
>> any thoughts ?
>> Cheers,
>> Gilles
>> On 2014/12/02 7:47, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
>>> Ok, if the problem is moot, great.
>>> (sidenote: this is moot, so ignore this if you want: with this explanation, 
>>> I'm still not sure how RTLD_GLOBAL fixes the issue)
>>> On Dec 1, 2014, at 5:15 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>> Easy enough to explain. We link libpmi into the pmix/s1 component. This 
>>>> library is missing the linkage to libslurm that contains the linkage to 
>>>> libauth where munge resides. So when we call a PMI function, libpmi 
>>>> references a call to munge for authentication and hits an "unresolved 
>>>> symbol" error.
>>>> Moe acknowledges the error is in Slurm and is fixing the linkages so this 
>>>> problem goes away
>>>>> On Dec 1, 2014, at 2:13 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Dec 1, 2014, at 5:07 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>>>> FWIW: It's Slurm's pmi-1 library that isn't linked correctly against its 
>>>>>> dependencies (the pmi-2 one is correct).  Moe is aware of the problem 
>>>>>> and fixing it on their side. This won't help existing installations 
>>>>>> until they upgrade, but I tend to agree with Jeff about not fixing other 
>>>>>> people's problems.
>>>>> Can you explain what is happening?
>>>>> I ask because I'm not sure I understand the problem such that using 
>>>>> RTLD_GLOBAL would fix it.  I.e., even if libpmi1.so isn't linked against 
>>>>> its dependencies properly, that shouldn't cause a problem if OMPI 
>>>>> components A and B are both linked against libpmi1.so, and then A is 
>>>>> loaded, and then B is loaded.
>>>>> ...or perhaps we can just discuss this on the call tomorrow?
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Jeff Squyres
>>>>> jsquy...@cisco.com
>>>>> For corporate legal information go to: 
>>>>> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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