On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 07:37:17AM -0800, Howard Pritchard wrote:
>    Hi Folks,
>    I'm trying to use mtt on a cluster where it looks like the only functional
>    compiler that
>    1) can build open mpi master
>    2) can also build the ibm test suite
>    may be pgi.  Can't compile write now, so I'm trying to fix it.  But I'm
>    now wondering
>    whether we are still supporting building open mpi with pgi compilers?  I'm
>    using pgi
>    14.4.

It *should* work but it really depends on if pgi fixed any of the
libnuma problems we complained about years ago. They have (had?) an
internal broken version of libnuma they use for their OpenMP stuff. We
had to build with -Mnoopenmp to get it to work at all. I got so fed up
with pgi that I dropped all support for using it with Open MPI on
Cielo. That said, now that pgi is part of nvidia things may be better

I would check with HPC-3 and see how they build with pgi on our other


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