On 4/20/2015 5:16 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
I looked at this thread in a little more detail...

The question below is a little moot because of the change that was done to 
v1.8, but please humor me anyway.  :-)

Macro: I think you told me before, but I forget, so please refresh my memory: I 
seem to recall that there's a reason you're invoking autogen in a tarball, but 
I don't remember what it is.

Hi Jeff,

It is a standard best practice for cygwin package build.
Our package build system (cygport) has autoreconf as default
before configure..

90% of the time is not really needed, but some packages are really
a pain. So to avoid surprise we play safe.

I ask because in all POSIX cases at least, end users should be able to just 
untar, configure, make, make install -- they don't/shouldn't run autogen).  
I.e., it doesn't matter what version of Libtool end users have installed (or 
not!) because we bootstrapped the tarball with a Libtool version that we know 
works.  Even more specifically: the error you're running in to should not have 
happened with a plain tarball -- the only cases where I can think of it 
happening would be if you got a git clone and ran autogen, or if you got a 
tarball and (re-)ran autogen.

It is "got a tarball and (re-)ran autogen"

I can disable it and test anyway, if it is really needed, but
I will prefer that autogen.sh works as expected.


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