On 4/22/2015 11:19 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:

what is the scope of the new two shared libs


in comparison to previous


already present in 1.8.4 ?

All 4 were present in 1.8.4, too -- but it depends on your compiler which of 
the fortran libraries are compiled.

I'm guessing you upgraded your fortran compiler?

eventually just from 4.8.x to 4.9x

With an "old" fortran compiler, we build the "old" Open MPI "use mpi" Fortran 
bindings -- cygmpi_usempi-1.dll (which is basically some script-generated code).

With a "new" fortran compiler, we build the "new" Open MPI "use mpi" Fortran bindings -- 
cygmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr-0.dll.  This is the same Fortran bindings interface as the usempi library, but it uses a 
compiler extension (that was found by configure) that is effectively a (void*) equivalent in Fortran (the extension is 
called "Ignore TKR").  The code that is compiled into the usempi_ignore_tkr library is quite a bit simpler, 
cleaner, and more inclusive than the generated code.

The usempif08 library is the "use mpi_f08" bindings; it will only be built if you have a 
"new" Fortran compiler.

It seems I will need to add 2 two Fortran sub packages ...

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