That is interesting. Let me look at the logic and see if I can determine
what is going wrong.

It could be a naming issues. ie. opal_btl_vader_flags vs
btl_vader_flags. Both are valid names for the same variable but the
search may only be succeeding for one. Should be simple enought to
fix if that is the case.


On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 03:08:42PM -0400, George Bosilca wrote:
>    Another issue, maybe a little bit more unsettling.
>    If I iterate over the existing pvars, and for each after retrieving their
>    name I use the name to search for the associated index I get an error. A
>    short example is below.
>      George.
>        err = MPI_T_pvar_get_num(&numPvar);
>        if(err) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0);
>        printf("%d MPI Performance Variables\n", numPvar);
>        for(i = 0; i < numPvar; i++) {
>          nameLen = sizeof(name);
>          descLen = sizeof(desc);
>          err = MPI_T_pvar_get_info(i, name, &nameLen, &verbosity,
>                                    &varClass, &datatype, &enumtype, desc,
>                                    &descLen, &binding, &isReadonly,
>                                    &isContinous, &isAtomic);
>          if( (MPI_SUCCESS != err) && (MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_INDEX != err) ) {
>            printf("Failed to read Pvar %d/%d\n", i, numPvar);
>            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0);
>          }
> printf("\t%s\tClass-%d\tBinding-%d\tReadonly-%s\tContinous-%s\tAtomic-%s\t%s\n",
>                 name, varClass, binding, isReadonly ? "T" : "F",
>                 isContinous ? "T" : "F", isAtomic ? "T" : "F", desc);
>          err = MPI_T_pvar_get_index(name, binding, &pvar_idx);
>          if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
>            printf("cannot find %s pvar\n", name);
>            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0);
>          }
>          if( pvar_idx != i )
>            printf("This is weird (%d != %d)!\n", pvar_idx, i);
>        }
>    On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:36 PM, George Bosilca <>
>    wrote:
>      For this particular test I used the current master (022a9d8).
>      I reread the MPI_T chapter and [as usual] there might be something that
>      cautions the current behavior (aka. returning MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_INDEX
>      for an index smaller than the number of cvars returned
>      by MPI_T_cvar_get_num). This is indicated by the example 14.4, page 576.
>      If I exclude this return code from the list of errors, then things are
>      working as expected.
>      What is the community feeling? Should we reutrn the exact number of
>      available cvars or an upper bound is a valid value?
>        George.
>      On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)
>      <> wrote:
>        George: what OMPI version did you test?
>        > On Aug 14, 2015, at 2:14 PM, George Bosilca <>
>        wrote:
>        >
>        > This user email requires special attention, as it highlighted some
>        issues with our MPI_T variables.
>        >
>        > I wrote a short application to list all pvar and cvar available.
>        Unexpectedly, listing the cvars leads to a lot of failures, 138 over
>        1035 cvars. If a cvar is broken I would have expected (based on the
>        reading of the MPI_T chapter) not to be able to iterate over them
>        instead of getting an error. The tester is attached.
>        >
>        >   George.
>        >
>        >
>        > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>        > From: Khalid Hasanov <>
>        > Date: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 11:14 AM
>        > Subject: [OMPI users] open mpi 1.8.6. MPI_T
>        > To: Open MPI Users <>
>        >
>        >
>        > Hello,
>        >
>        > I am trying to use MPI_T interface to set coll_tuned_bcast_algorithm
>        mca parameter during run time, however I was not successful to do
>        that.
>        >
>        > I wonder if is it currently supported in Open MPI.
>        >
>        > I had the same problem with setting btl_self_eager_limit parameter.
>        >
>        > The code I am using attached below.
>        >
>        >
>        > Thanks.
>        >
>        >
>        > --
>        > Best Regards,
>        > Khalid
>        >
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>        --
>        Jeff Squyres
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