
is there ant reason why you use openmpi 1.4.5  ?
it is quite antique today, 1.10.2 is the latest stable version.

strictly speaking, openmpi does not require linux, it works fine on
Solaris, bsd variants, Cygwin and other arch.

the memory footprint is made of the library size, and the memory it
allocates internally
(buffers for communication for example)
at first glance, I am not sure you should start focusing on the
library size.

I'd rather suggest you start with openmpi 1.10.2, and then try
configure && make && make install

if you are stuck, then please post the details so we are able to help



On Saturday, March 19, 2016, Monika Hemnani <> wrote:

> I am building a multiprocessor system with soft-core processor(Microblaze)
> and operating system xilkernel(OS from xilinx). I want to scale down Open
> mpi with the the functionality of mainly  sending and recieving only. Also
> I want the MPI library to have a low memory footprint(in kBs).
> As my OS is not linux, I cannot install Open mpi. So I took all the .c and
> .h files of of Open mpi 1.4.5 and started compiling it.
> Then I was planning to remove the files which won't be used by me.So I
> will be having only the files of desired functionality and also get lesser
> memory footprint.
> But when I started building the full Open mpi. I got many errors which I'm
> unable to solve.
> Can you please tell me, is my approach right?
> If not, what should be my approach?

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