Please provide the exact code used for both send/recv - you likely have an 
error in the syntax

> On May 20, 2016, at 9:36 PM, dpchoudh . <> wrote:
> Hello all
> I have a naive question:
> My 'cluster' consists of two nodes, connected back to back with a proprietary 
> link as well as GbE (over a switch).
> I am calling OPAL_MODEX_SEND() and the modex consists of just this:
> struct modex
> {char name[20], unsigned mtu};
> The mtu field is not currently being used. I bzero() the struct and have 
> verified that the value being written to the 'name' field (this is similar to 
> a PKEY for infiniband; the driver will translate this to a unique integer) is 
> correct at the sending end.
> When I do a OPAL_MODEX_RECV(), the value is completely corrupted. However, 
> the size of the modex message is still correct (24 bytes)
> What could I be doing wrong? (Both nodes are little endian x86_64 machines)
> Thanks in advance
> Durga
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