I would agree with all those points 

> On Jun 7, 2016, at 2:12 PM, Howard Pritchard <hpprit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI Ralph,
> We briefly discussed this some today.  I would like to avoid the mini-MTT 
> approach for PR checking.
> At the same time, one can also see why it might be useful from time to time 
> to make changes to
> the script a given jenkins project runs on PRs.  
> An idea we discussed was to have jenkins folks support a "stable" version of 
> their jenkins script.  If they would
> like to make changes,  they would create an experimental, temporary jenkins 
> project to run the new script.
> If the new project's script runs clean against open PRs, the new script can 
> be swapped in to the
> original jenkins project.  The experimental project could then be 
> deactivated.  If the new script showed failures in the
> open PRs, or against master or other branch, issues can be opened to track 
> the problem(s) found by the
> script.  The experimental, temporary jenkins project can continue to run, but 
> its  "failure" status can be ignored
> until the underlying bug(s) is fixed.
> I don't think it makes much sense to run a jenkins script against PRs if it 
> fails when run against master.
> The purpose of jenkins PR testing is to trap new problems, not to keep 
> reminding us there are problems
> with the underlying branch which the PR targets.
> Howard
> 2016-06-07 13:33 GMT-06:00 Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org 
> <mailto:r...@open-mpi.org>>:
> Hi folks
> I’m trying to get a handle on our use of Jenkins testing for PRs prior to 
> committing them. When we first discussed this, it was my impression that our 
> objective was to screen PRs to catch any errors caused by differences in 
> environment and to avoid regressions. However, it appears that the tests keep 
> changing without warning, leading to the impression that we are using Jenkins 
> as a “mini-MTT” testing device.
> So I think we need to come to consensus on the purpose of the Jenkins 
> testing. If it is to screen for regressions, then the tests need to remain 
> stable. A PR that does not introduce any new problems might not address old 
> ones, but that is no reason to flag it as an “error”.
> On the other hand, if the objective is to use Jenkins as a “mini-MTT”, then 
> we need to agree on how/when a PR is ready to be merged. Insisting that 
> nothing be merged until even a mini-MTT is perfectly clean is probably 
> excessively prohibitive - it would require that the entire community (and not 
> just the one proposing the PR) take responsibility for cleaning up the code 
> base against any and all imposed tests.
> So I would welcome opinions on this: are we using Jenkins as a screening tool 
> on changes, or as a test for overall correctness of the code base?
> Ralph
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