RFC: Open MPI v3.0 branching soon (next week). Move to date-based release
At the Face-to-face in San Jose (minutes: https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/wiki/Meeting-Minutes-2017-01) we agreed that starting with v3.0, we would switch to three date-based releases each year.  These would be rleased on the 15th of the months Feb, June, and October.  At the face-to-face, we agreed for the first cycle, we would branch for v3.0 on June 15th, and release on October 15th (and branch for next release that same day).  Date based releases means we might have to ship with possibly critical bugs, but this gives us more motivation to get testing done EARLY.
In today's WebEx (minutes: https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/wiki/WeeklyTelcon_20170221) we discussed accelerating the transition to the date-based releases so that we could ship v3.0 on June 15th.  To do this, we'd need to branch v3.x from master soon.  We set the preliminary date to branch v3.x from master next Tuesday Feb 28th.  What does the community think about this?  Can everyone who has new features destined for v3.0 get them into master, within a week?  Once v3.x branches, there would be only bugfixes only accepted to that branch.  The good news is that any features that won't make the v3.x branch, would go out in the next release (which we have decreed would be branched June 15th, and shipped October 15th).
We'd like to solicit input from the community in this thread on the devel list by Monday, Feb 27th.  Please answer the following questions:
1) Are you okay with branching for v3.0 Tuesday Feb 28th?  If not, please discuss reasons, and possible solutions.
2) Is anyone working on any new features that they'd like to get out with v3.0 but is not yet in master?  Remember if it misses v3.0, there will be another opportunity with v3.1 in 4 months.

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