Staring at this some more, I do have the following questions:

* in your first case, it looks like "prte" was started from microway3 - correct?

* in the second case, that worked, it looks like "mpirun" was executed from 
microway1 - correct?

* in the third case, you state that "mpirun" was again executed from microway3, 
and the process output confirms that

I'm wondering if the issue here might actually be that PRRTE expects the 
ordering of hosts in the hostfile to start with the host it is sitting on - 
i.e., if the node index number between the various daemons is getting confused. 
Can you perhaps see what happens with the failing cases if you put microway3 at 
the top of the hostfile and execute prte/mpirun from microway3 as before?

On May 4, 2020, at 7:34 AM, John DelSignore via devel < 
<> > wrote:

Hi folks,

I cloned a fresh copy of OMPI master this morning at ~8:30am EDT and rebuilt. 
I'm running a very simple test code on three Centos 7.[56] nodes named 
microway[123] over TCP. I'm seeing a fatal error similar to the following:

[ <> :227713] 
../../../../../../ompi/ompi/mca/pml/ob1/pml_ob1_sendreq.c:189 FATAL

The case of prun launching an OMPI code does not work correctly. The MPI 
processes seem to launch OK, but there is the follwoing OMPI error at the point 
where the processes communicate. In the following case, I have DVM running on 
three nodes "microway[123]":

mic:/amd/home/jdelsign/PMIx>prun -n 3 --map-by node -x MESSAGE=name 
--personality ompi ./tx_basic_mpi
Hello from proc (0)
Hello from proc (1): microway1
Hello from proc (2): 
WARNING: Open MPI failed to TCP connect to a peer MPI process.  This
should not happen.

Your Open MPI job may now hang or fail.

  Local host: microway1
  PID:        282716
  Message:    connect() to failed
  Error:      No route to host (113)
../../../../../../ompi/ompi/mca/pml/ob1/pml_ob1_sendreq.c:189 FATAL
An MPI communication peer process has unexpectedly disconnected.  This
usually indicates a failure in the peer process (e.g., a crash or
otherwise exiting without calling MPI_FINALIZE first).

Although this local MPI process will likely now behave unpredictably
(it may even hang or crash), the root cause of this problem is the
failure of the peer -- that is what you need to investigate.  For
example, there may be a core file that you can examine.  More
generally: such peer hangups are frequently caused by application bugs
or other external events.

  Local host: microway3
  Local PID:  214271
  Peer host:  microway1

If I use mpirun to launch the program it works whether or not a DVM is already 
running (first without a DVM, then with a DVM):

mic:/amd/home/jdelsign/PMIx>mpirun -n 3 --map-by node -x MESSAGE=name 
--personality ompi --hostfile myhostfile ./tx_basic_mpi
Hello from proc (0)
MESSAGE: microway1
Hello from proc (1): 
Hello from proc (2): 
All Done!
mic:/amd/home/jdelsign/PMIx>prte --hostfile ./myhostfile --daemonize
mic:/amd/home/jdelsign/PMIx>mpirun -n 3 --map-by node -x MESSAGE=name 
--personality ompi --hostfile myhostfile ./tx_basic_mpi
Hello from proc (0)
MESSAGE: microway1
Hello from proc (1): 
Hello from proc (2): 
All Done!

But if I use mpirun to launch 3 processes from microway3 and use a hostfile 
that contains only microway[23], I get a similar failure as the prun case:

mic:/amd/home/jdelsign/PMIx>hostname <> 
mic:/amd/home/jdelsign/PMIx>cat myhostfile2
microway2 slots=16
microway3 slots=16
mic:/amd/home/jdelsign/PMIx>mpirun -n 3 --map-by node -x MESSAGE=name 
--personality ompi --hostfile myhostfile2 ./tx_basic_mpi
Hello from proc (0)
Hello from proc (1): 
WARNING: Open MPI failed to TCP connect to a peer MPI process.  This
should not happen.

Your Open MPI job may now hang or fail.

  Local host: microway3
  PID:        227713
  Message:    connect() to failed
  Error:      No route to host (113)
[ <> :227713] 
../../../../../../ompi/ompi/mca/pml/ob1/pml_ob1_sendreq.c:189 FATAL
 recv(13) failed: Connection reset by peer (104)

I asked my therapist (Ralph) about it, and he said,

"It looks to me like the btl/tcp component is having trouble correctly 
selecting a route to use when opening communications across hosts. I've seen 
this in my docker setup too, but thought perhaps it was just a docker-related 

What's weird in your last example is that both procs are on the same node, and 
therefore they should only be using shared memory to communicate - the btl/tcp 
component shouldn't be trying to create a connection at all."

Cheers, John D.

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