On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
<bog...@voice-system.ro> wrote:
> Olivier Détour wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>> <bog...@voice-system.ro> wrote:
>>> Hi Olivier,
>>> Olivier Détour wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm writing a B2B module for the B2B_entities module (like B2B_logic).
>>>> In my initialisation,
>>>> I create an extra process to poll on an extra FD to receive order to
>>>> create UAC part.
>>> Why don't you use the MI stuff for this? you can trigger an action /
>>> event by sending an MI command to the server -> you module just has to
>>> export a new MI function.
>>>> I would like to know how to share a SIP message between the module and
>>>> the extra process
>>>> (I'm using OpenSIPs in fork mode ...) ? I tried to shm_malloc it but I
>>>> get an out of memory error
>>>> on the second Communication.
>>> normally using shm_malloc is the trick, but depends of where you fork
>>> your process (if the shm is inherited) and who you use it for
>>> transferring data from from A to B.
>> Forks come from OpenSIPs itself (worker forks + my extra fork (extra
>> process in module declaration)).
> OK, that's correct
>> I think I have to use shared memory to share data between different
>> processes. I tried to find the best and the most optimize way to use
>> it.
> yes, you should use the sh mem. But what exactly do faile for you? I
> mean what exactly are you doing and what step fails? is the malloc not
> working? or ?

When I use B2B, I have to forward my INVITE in another process, that
is why I have to copy it (body, URIs, ...) in my shm_malloced internal
data structure. It works, but I find it ugly.
Moreover, sometimes I get an internal error because I don't have
enough shared memory,
that's why I want to find a better way.

I'm blocked by OpenSIPs' architecture.

If this is the only way, I could optimize it on my side.

>> Do you know actually, how much percent of the 32 MB of shared memory,
>> is used by OpenSIPs ?
> Depends of what modules you are using - each module may have some
> internal data structures that are kept in shm mem.
> You can check this via MI interface, after starting opensips (with no
> ongoing traffic) : "opensipsctl fifo get_statistics all"

Thanks for the tips, it will be helpful to debugging.

> Regards,
> Bogdan


Olivier Détour

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