2010/1/21 Olivier Détour <chino540off+kamai...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm having a hard time using b2b_entities:
> After sending a 4xx error (long after the invite), I'd like to be
> notified when the client sends the ACK. I'd want to be able to close
> the call context when my module receives the client's ACK, but I never
> see it, b2b_entities silently processes it.
> Is it possible to change this behaviour?
> I saw in the debug trace (debug=9) that the ACK is not for the
> server_address parameter (in opensips.cfg), could this be a part of
> the problem?
> For example I've got a 404 error being resent continuously until phone 
> timeout.
> If I missed documentation on the subject I will gladly RTFM if someone
> points me in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> Regards,

Sorry about that, configuration problems,

Olivier Détour

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