2010/1/22 Olivier Détour <chino540off+kamai...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I understand the problem, but I would like to explain you my topology:
>                      Broker1             Broker2
>                          |                       |
> Tel(10) ---------- B2BUA1 ---------- B2BUA2 ---------- Tel(20)
> My problem is when 10 calls 20, 20 is ringing (so B2BUAs create their
> UAS and UAC).
> I want to be able to brake the current SIP session at this moment.
> So I send the CANCEL to UAC side on B2BUA1. But B2BUA2 doesn't want to
> receive it,
> because It is not send to sip:s...@ So message could not be
> transmit to B2BUA2 ...
> Maybe, I don't understand something here, but b2b_entities API could
> be able to manage
> this situation ?
> Regards,


I went through the source code of B2B_entities, and I don't understand
when you search the dlg in int b2b_prescript_f(struct sip_msg *msg,
void *uparam) in dlg.c:

  357           while(dlg)
  358           {
  359                   if(ruri.len == dlg->ruri.len && strncmp(ruri.s, 
ruri.len)== 0
  360                                   && dlg->callid.len == callid.len &&
  361                                   strncmp(dlg->callid.s, callid.s, 
callid.len)== 0 &&
  362                                   dlg->tag[CALLER_LEG].len == 
from_tag.len &&
  363                                   strncmp(dlg->tag[CALLER_LEG].s, 
from_tag.s, from_tag.len)== 0)

You check CALLID, FROM_TAG and the REQUEST_URI. If you create the UAS
with B2BUA_entities,
Requests send by caller will change Request URI to speaks directly with UAS.

Why is the RURI in your search?

When I remove the RURI check, it works as my understanding of the RFC.


Olivier Détour

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