Hello everyone,

There is a new release for Blink Cocoa, version 2.0.0 This version contains a 
major milestone from the Blink roadmap, Presence. The presence functionality is 
described in detail at: 


After the holidays, there will be a follow-up on Presence with the release in 
the open source domain of all SIP and XCAP server side components. 

If you are anxious to test presence functionality today, there is a beta 
service running here:


Changelog Version 2.0.0

November 27th, 2012

Added Presence support (PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY methods using RLS)
Added Address Book storage using XCAP rls-services and resource-lists
Added Presence Policy using XCAP org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules
Added Icon Storage using XCAP org.openmobilealliance.pres-content
Added Offline Presence using XCAP pidf-manipulation
Added XMPP interoperability for SIP2SIP accounts
Added publish for Status, Icon, Activity, Note, Timezone, User-Input and Media 
Added Presence Info Panel and render SIP devices on a world map
Added menu to select a particular uri when dragging contact to create conference
Added menu to select a particular uri when dragging contact to conference drawer
Added possibility to start sessions to specific devices (using GRUU)
Added view history menu item to History contacts
Added move conference to server functionality
Added back cmd-D shortcut key for Show dialpad
Added Blink system bar menu
Added a new multi-user avatar for messages originating from a conference focus
Added hint for how to use own Internet domain for a SIP account
Added GUI subsection in Account advanced section
Added custom label for account popup menu in GUI subsection
Fixed passing curently selected group to the Add Contact dialog
Fixed crash when enrollment for SIP2SIP account fails
Fixed validating Contacts backups
Fixed processing HTTP links with unicode characters
Fixed setting local hold state after direction was inactive
Fixed selecting audio device menu items in Mountain Lion
Fixed selecting built-in devices in Mountain Lion
Fixed setting display name and icon for invited participants in chat drawer
Fixed bug that triggered high CPU usage in case of poor connectivity conditions
Fixed several multi-threading issues in the middleware
Fixed Chat window toolbar menu items to work on retina displays
Fixed updating Chat window drawer when removing audio streams
Fixed check if audio input device is not None
Fixed chat message replication with history server
Fixed sharing contact widgets across groups
Fixed calling API functions on Snow Leopard
Fixed race conditions when deleting an account
Improved copy of SIP URI from Contacts
Improved layout of icons in chat window tab switcher
Improved chat connectivity failure logs
Improved title of alert panel depending on proposed media type
Improved re-usage of streams for chat sessions
Terminate session if a stream fails and can't be removed from the session
Activate Add contact button in Contact window if at least one uri is set
Print the reason when the configuration file is corrupted
Speak different text for incoming file transfer
Do not allow calling an anonymous SIP URI in History contacts
Avoid saving contact avatar multiple times
Simplify session starting wrappers
Log chat replication activity
Active app before showing presence info panel
Avoid saving default user icon for each contact
Do not print registration error in account popup if account register is false
Disable redial menu item if no redial uri available
Focus search box when typing while contact is selected

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