> When comes to SF versus GITHUB - the main problem from my perspective is that 
> SF overs a unified (one account) for tracker, forums, downloads, code 
> repo.....If we move code repo to GITHUB, we will force the developer to use 2 
> accounts (on SF for tracker, forum , etc, and one on GITHUB for GIT only)..

I guess my original suggestion was not clear then :-) I was suggesting to 
completely move from SF. Just add a pointer to GH.

> For manageability reasons I would prefer to have a place hosting everything.


> What options I see:
> 1) move everything (tracker + GIT and the rest ?) on GITHUB

What would the rest be?

> 2) keep SF as primary GIT repo and GITHUB can be a secondary. Developers can 
> use the SF accounts for everything and use GITHUB as an interface to the 
> community (changes, pull requests, etc)..

The problem I see here is that there would be a split so it could potentially 
be confusing. When a user sends a pull request, and issue is automatically 
created, so there would be two places for issues :-S

Having GitHub not as the primary repo is not so nice because pull requests 
can't be disabled, so people could think that that is the place to contribute 
code :-S

So, I think the two choices become:

- Move everything to GH and have a read-only mirror somewhere (SF, BitBucket, 
self hosted, ...)
- Stick to SF

Personally I'd go for GitHub. In case there is anything I can do to help, 
whatever the choice is, don't hesitate to ask :-)


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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