I have problem to setup OpenSIPs with TLS on Centos 6 64bit with OpenSSL 

The message I get on service start is the following

Mar 20 23:34:27 [4831] ERROR:proto_tls:mod_init: unable to set the memory 
allocation functions
Mar 20 23:34:27 [4831] ERROR:core:init_mod: failed to initialize module 
Mar 20 23:34:27 [4831] ERROR:core:main: error while initializing modules

My config is the following

loadmodule "proto_tls.so"
modparam("proto_tls", "verify_cert", "0")
modparam("proto_tls", "require_cert", "0")
modparam("proto_tls", "ciphers_list", "NULL")
modparam("proto_tls", "tls_method", "TLSv1")
modparam("proto_tls", "certificate", "/etc/opensips/tls/rootCA/cacert.pem")
modparam("proto_tls", "private_key", 
modparam("proto_tls", "ca_list", "/etc/opensips/tls/rootCA/cacert.pem")
modparam("proto_tls", "ca_dir", "/etc/opensips/tls/rootCA/")

Thank you in advance

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