Hi Liviu??
     thanks for your suggestion?? 
     I??m sure the file and the directory has -rwxrwxrwx  permissions and I use 
root did it with opensips2.2.1 and centos6.6??
     I make /var/log/opensips.log  work as following??
             touch /var/log/opensips.log
             add  ?? local0.*            /var/log/opensips.log  ?? into 
             service rsyslog restart
     But when I change  "/var/log/opensips.log" to 
"/export/opensips/log/opensips.log"  or"/usr/local/opensips.log"  ..eg   it 
doesn't work.
     I'm confuse with it??
liu jinlong 

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Liviu Chircu";<li...@opensips.org>;
????????: 2016??9??22??(??????) ????3:42
??????: "devel"<devel@lists.opensips.org>; 

????: Re: [OpenSIPS-Devel] opensips log file dose not work

If you made "/var/log/opensips.log" work, then please ensure         write 
permissions on "/export/opensips/log/" for the user you're         running 
OpenSIPS with, so it can create the file.
     Liviu Chircu OpenSIPS Developer http://www.opensips-solutions.com     On 
22.09.2016 09:37, ?? wrote:
            hi everone:
                     I want change opensips log file location ,and I         
make it work in /var/log/opensips.log
                     but when change the directory to an         
/export/opensips/log/opensips.log  it dose not work. I don't         kown why.
                     does it has samething else to do? I need your         help.
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