you pretend to know what you actually do not know. You probably are
not familiar with how the communication has to work in a project and
what are the problem that I had to deal with lately wrt to
communication itself.
Most of the time, staff communicates through a dedicated, private
mailing list. Many decisions happen there, but you do not see them.

You are complaining publicly with me for the lack of communication,
but let me tell you one thing: you're doing it wrong.
And let me tell you why, to you and the other fanboys I've seen around
me lately trying to pull me hoping to get a cut of power in the
project and starting the FUD game once they realized they won't get
anything for free (meritocracy is one of my strong points).

Several months ago, through the same ML, it has been decided that all
the important communication bits in the project had to go through MLs,
mainly for two very simple reasons:
1) nobody can stay 24/7 on IRC or Jabber answering other people in real-time.
2) important decisions have to be tracked and written in stone (IRC is
an ephemeral mean of communication)

Unfortunately, one core member, stubbornly decided to ignore the new
policy, starting the drama queen game on all the people around because
I muted, etc etc.
What made things worse, is that the same core member used to get drunk
and then jump on IRC starting yet a new game called "I am the super
hero here boys!" which was actually much worse than the simple drama
queen one. Of course he has been warned several times, both privately
and through staff ML (but that's another matter).
Everybody has his/her own sensibility or better, ability to understand
human behavior.
It's very unfortunate that people like you, genfool, don't realize it
all, but that's not actually my problem nor a Sabayon one.

Anybody aspiring to gain more power in Sabayon needs to demonstrate
real tech skills and pragmatism. That is what I am currently tring to
build with the new man power the project got (otoh, yeah, I am able to
manage the whole distro by myself, if I want, but that's not what I
want as of today).

You should realize that things are more complex and complete than what
you actually see and understand.
Given that, this is the last time I'm going to discuss about this matter.
I do not pretend that users understand how Software Engineering works
(both pro and cons).

Regarding sabayon-limbo, the policy is clear (read previous ML about
it) and well thought. But this doesn't mean that mainline repo won't
get buggy packages at times. Nowadays, the probability for this to
happen is very very very very low.
If you really think that software can be more reliable, then I would
really happy to know how this could be achieved (but then, I would be
allowed to criticize your opinion and try to leverage the weak points
in it).

Have fun with Gentoo,
hope you will understand someday :-)
Fabio Erculiani

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