
some time ago I provided by means of bugzilla two ebuilds for the
latest versions of nvidia-cuda-sdk and nvidia-cuda-tooklit
(https://bugs.sabayon.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3371 and
I didn't get any feedback so I'm wondering if I did something wrong
submitting them there: is anyone here interested in reviewing them and
possibly willing to add them to the main repository?

Pierangelo Terzulli


Thanks for your submission. However, Sabayon uses ebuilds from Gentoo
for both nvidia-cuda packages and usually if an ebuild isn't maintained
in one of Sabayon overlays already, a version bump is made only when Gentoo
makes it.

More ebuilds forked from Gentoo means more maintenance load on the small
team; also a Gentoo developer who maintains the package usually knows it
better so he's able to do the work in a proper way, and so on. (I don't
say your work isn't OK - I haven't checked it much, and also I cannot test
it on my hardware - I'm just speaking in general.)

It can be bumped if there's an extra reason behind it or if someone
from the team wants to take care of it. Your bug report is fine.


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