As I've seen on IRC, Firefox 18 has the some problem as Chromium had [1].
It seems to require jpeg-turbo [2] which may be the reason.

So, if you update to Firefox 18, which is currently in the testing repository:
$ querypkg firefox --repo limbo
>>  @@ Please wait, downloading data...
>>      @@ Package: www-client/firefox-18.0
>>         Arch:          amd64
>>         Revision:      0
>>         Slot:          0
>>         Size:          28.9MB
>>         Downloads:     105624
>>         Vote:          3.7333
>>         spm_repo:      sabayon-distro
>>         Homepage:
>>         Description:   Firefox Web Browser
>>         Date:          2013-01-11 11:30:59.900000
>>         License:       GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 MPL-2.0
>>         Last change:   N/A
>>  Keyword:  firefox

and encounter problems with JPEG images, make sure you don't have
media-libs/jpeg-8* installed. Reinstalling media-libs/libjpeg-turbo may remove
it automatically; if not, uninstall jpeg-8* by hand and pay attention not to 
the whole system because of reverse dependencies (--nodeps may be handy) - and 
if you
see applications stop working because they can't find libjpeg, reinstall
(So much fuss shouldn't be needed, but I want to cover possible problem cases.)



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