afaik, think the plan was to torch it and use something else.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 4:11 PM, André Jaenisch <>

> Hi there,
> let's be frank. The current state of our wiki is bad.
> There are many outdated articles (just look at OpenRC related ones),
> conflicting instructions (for example about kernel update) and ones
> which misrespected a convention (like translating with using the
> language prefix in the URL).
> We need to do something.
> Today, Joost and Ben talked with me about it.
> There's the idea to rewrite it from scratch. But it will take an
> enormous amount of time until the wiki is in an usable state again.
> Ben suggested instead to prune outdated articles.
> Thing is, not even Joost could tell how to delete an article.
> From my experience at work with MediaWiki I can tell, that MediaWiki
> bites you here. There's a feature to "move an article", but that is not
> flagged "deleted" in the database so still shows up on certain Special
> Sites.
> Concerning the outdated articles I suggested to do it in two to three
> phases:
> 0. Create a banner to mark sites (or certain paragraphs) as likely
> outdated
> 1. Ask the community to walk over the wiki and apply that banner to
> whichever parts they think fits.
> 2. Have some maintainer verify it and in case it is outdated removing
> it.
> This is dome similiar on MDN ("an article is in need of technical
> review") and Wikipedia ("This article is useful, but outdated").
> I would like to get the walkover done in a docsprint. A docsprint is
> like a hackathon but with focus on documentation instead of
> development. I saw Mozilla's localisation team having one every now and
> then. We could plan an event (between christmas and New Year's Eve or
> in early January) for one. This would give us some time for
> preparation. Like creating said banner, looking for backups (do we have
> one?), searching for well-done MediaWiki usages etc.
> What do you think about it?
> Kind regards,
> André

Kelly Schwartz

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