I'm seeing some discussion about updating our Sabayon gcc ebuilds to
version 5.4.0

You guys probably already knew this, but just in case this slipped
through the cracks, I want to make sure everyone is fore-warned that
this will be a really big chunk of work once we start using GCC-5.4.0
on our packages.

At a minimum, we need to rebuild every package that uses C++ since the
ABI changes.

We may decide to rebuild everything just to insure consistency.

Reading some discussions on the Gentoo M/L, mixing GCC 4.9.4 and 5.4.0
is discouraged by several developers, but there do seem to be a few
who think it can be managed.

The Gentoo news item for this upgrade recommends using a
revdep-rebuild command to identify the affected C++ packages:

revdep-rebuild --library 'libstdc++.so.6'  -- --exclude gcc

When I ran this on my systems, I quickly discovered that this method
will not discern packages that have already been rebuilt with
GCC-5.4.0.  It just gives me the same list every time.

So, if we encounter build issues (and we almost certainly will since
some packages will attempt to build out of order), we'll have to come
up with our own system for keeping up with what's been rebuilt, and
what packages remain.

I apologize if this has already been discussed, but I hadn't run
across any discussion on GCC 5.x, and wanted to make sure.


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