As you may (or may not) know, I've been trying to assist with building a
software testing team.  I honestly didn't expect it to be as difficult has
it has been. Between time being slim due to personal/work issues, and
getting recruits that are around for a couple weeks then going dark,
testing has been unreliable. I've not been able to locate any sustainable
recruits. I get claims of interest, but they do not materialize even after

I've walked around the office, I've asked co-workers I know around the
globe, I've asked in chatrooms, emails, phone calls, you name it. I just
can't find people enthusiastic about Linux. They're everywhere, but I'm
looking in all the wrong places. I've even started giving up on co-workers
and friends who offered to join and test, but every weekend never find the
time and refused to even install the distro after handing out discs of

I'm currently looking for assistance, ideas, and recruitment. Skills aren't
needed. Just hardware, curiosity, and a willingness to learn. I'm also
online 24/7 via hangouts so questions are welcome.


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