
will look into updating the release notes with known issues.
Sadly not today.



-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Geaaru <gea...@gmail.com>
Gesendet: 26. März 2018 01:13:04 MESZ
An: sabayon-dev <devel@lists.sabayon.org>
Betreff: Re: [sabayon-dev] ISO Testing Results

Some updated and other...
* KDE - Force stop of getty@tty1.service (https://github.com/Sabayon/sa
bayon-live/commit/c454ffcb54976204a672b9bb172da08d04ae9335) seems fix
problem with shutdown and/or permissions problem on handle wifi/wired.
   Hereinafter, some cronology events (update these if there is some
   1)  On sddm environment there are problems with management of
   2) To fix this Enlik add Conflicts=getty@tty1.service to
systemd.service. (here I don't know why it is been removed plymouth-
quit.service). This fix fwiu problems related with point 1 but
introduce issue bootstrap X on sabayon live.
    3) On test ISO I found that dbus module must be recompiled because
it was a wrong path on file /usr/lib/systemd/user/dbus.socket. Path
fixed with a bump of new revision.
    4) For fix bootstrap of X I push a first patch to systemd .service
of sddm (https://github.com/Sabayon/sabayon-distro/commit/2f1cd1e61f619
    5) After patch to .service of sddm X start correctly but return
issue describe at point 1. It seems that issue is related with getty
<at> tty1.service and so I push a new commit to sddm .service (https://
distro/commit/cfc6f08b94498b8231798f27d11af9bb846b2d77) where I remove
Conflicts= and add to After= getty@tty1.service. On project sabayon-
live I push a patch that stop getty@tty1.service.
Before proceed to a new release of sabayon-live I need to complete this
* boot XFCE image with a patch to sabayonlive.sh script* boot LXQT
image with a patch to sabayonlive.sh script
Gnome is OK.
New Issue:     * (at least on my laptop and on Virtualbox environemnt):
If EFI is not available when boot livecd plymouth doesn't work
correctly. Indeed with EFI it's seem OK. Obvously, is a minor issue.
On Sat, 2018-03-24 at 21:16 +0000, Jerrod Frost wrote:
> Officially supported ISOs in testing:
> Server - LGTM, Calamares doesn't like old LVM installs.XFCE - LGTM,
> Only Cosmetic Issue
> Icons are not uniform. Icons aren't right size in XFCE. Solution:
> Switch default icons to Obisidian for all spins. Obisdian works in
> XFCE, MATE, GNOME, and KDE. Obsidian is the up-to-date version of
> Faenza (current MATE icons).Calamares doesn't like old LVM
> installs.Solution: tough it out until Calmares 3.2 is released. 3.2-
> rc4 has been released. Original Goal for 3.2 release was March 2018.
> So its close. Clearing the partitions before running installer allows
> for install.Anaconda Crashes when pressing F12 during install
> phaseSolution: Unknown. Plan is to eventually migrate away from
> unmaintained Anaconda and move to Calamares, but due to Calamares
> being incomplete at this point in time, and testing will be required
> after 3.2 completion and before migration.Packages require
> update/upgrade/recompilexf86-video-ati (should match xf86-video-
> amdgpu version 18.0.1)nvidia-drivers (should be 390.42 to stop screen
> flickering regression)mesa Missing vaapi flag for Video Acceleration
> API (hardware decoding)Missing virgl flag (enables driver for virtual
> machines allowing 3D on virtio gpu)Openmax (video/audio encode/decode
> acceleration API)
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 11:33 PM Jerrod Frost <darksurf@sabayonlinux.
> org> wrote:
> > MATE ISO works like a boss. I noticed its using the faenza icons
> > which haven't been updated since 2010. Obsidian is based on faenza
> > and was updated 13 days ago.  It may be better to migrate if faenza
> > style is what you want, Obisdian is the new faenza.  All
> > applications appear to work well. No real issues other than
> > Anaconda. Anaconda evidently has a glitch/bug that when pressing
> > F12 during install process, Anaconda crashes. I went back and
> > tested this on XFCE and it happens there as well so this issue is
> > just anaconda...
> > 
> > On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 10:38 PM Jerrod Frost <darksurf@sabayonlinu
> > x.org> wrote:
> > > XFCE ISO appears to be working fine. I did notice the cosmetic
> > > issue of icons not appropriately reducing/matching size in the
> > > applications list. Only simple fix is to switch to a different
> > > Icon theme. You can also tweak the icon theme by editing a copy
> > > of those icons and reducing size and place them into the smaller
> > > icon folders.
> > > 
> > > I really think we just need to pick a theme that works with all
> > > spins and desktop environments that doesn't look bad. I'm testing
> > > a few in XFCE now.
> > > There's: 
> > > Adwaita: (already installed in XFCE, looks meh) - Works
> > > Obsidian (based on Faenza, its the updated current version) -
> > > Works Perfectly. 
> > > Moka (looks like colorful Faenza, MATE friendly icons) - Works,
> > > but some icons are missing 
> > > La Capitaine (Apple based style, clean, community driven) - Works
> > > Perfectly.
> > > 
> > > I've tried more, but they all have the same issue we are having
> > > now with elementary icons. Different sized icons in the apps
> > > list, missing too many icons, or icons don't work in both light
> > > and dark themes.
> > > 
> > > Depending on what you want, I'd recommend you try Obsidian and La
> > > Capitaine and see which one you prefer. I've used both in KDE so
> > > I know they work there, and they both work in XFCE. I've not
> > > tested MATE or Gnome yet. Any thoughts?

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