
As a person with academic background, who in the "very old" times (around 2007/2008) taught students about programming for Maemo 4 platforms with help of some imported N810's from Germany (yes, those weren't available in Poland at all) I thought that nowadays there are probably people connected with universities (lecturers, PhD students etc.) who would want to do the same, but with Mer/Nemo or solutions based on them like Sailfish and Jolla based phones. I also remember that preparing such lectures and scenarios of laboratories required quite some effort and digging through a lot of stuff on maemo.org, which was on one side good, but on the other side sometimes people from academia just don't have time for that in constant rush with other stuff. To address that problem I thought about creating open educational project whose aim would be preparing ready to use materials (like slide presentations, some scenarios for laboratories, code examples or tasks etc.) to teach about Mer/Nemo, Sailfish and others. In my opinion the stuff on Mer/Nemo wiki is really, really great, but probably not for average student, especially if he/she didn't have any experience with such kind of projects. Moreover big companies who are developing other platforms have usually some kind of academic programs providing this kind of materials on portals, even with some gamification elements to make learning more efficient and enjoyable. I don't even mention about those companies providing devices and other hardware stuff for laboratories usage. As a result it's much easier to make mobile programming courses on universities about platforms from big players like Google, Apple, Microsoft or Blackberry. I guess that determined people like me that want to teach about interesting alternatives such as Sailfish are in a small minority and it can be a real challenge to push this kind of topics into course program, especially with no arguments like ready to use materials, when convincing colleagues also involved in teaching process at such courses. In my opinion this is really a big issue that must be addressed sooner or later and benefits are quite obvious - the more students will know about Mer/Nemo the bigger chance that some of them might get involved in active way like writing apps or contributing to open source platforms such as Mer. Yes, in my opinion more people are needed in the community, because for now it mainly consists of people previously involved in Maemo or Meego (probably with N950 in their pockets) and there is lack of fresh air (when comparing with what Canonical is for example doing - attracting completely new people to their platform).

I've set up a repo where I will try to prepare such materials (which I need to prepare anyway for the Fall semester, because I want to include things connected with Mer/Nemo/Sailfish into two courses at least). I'm looking forward to any help, contributions and ideas from people who are interested in this topic - that is not limited to lecturers, but also students and everyone who finds this matter interesting or important. By the way I've given the project a name Dolphinaric - yeah, dolphins are those clever and intelligent sea animals and the name was not used :)

So the address to repo (not much yet there):

For people seeking a place for more direct way to discuss, there is also #dolphinaric IRC channel on Freenode. I would also like to set up a mailing list, to not make a mess here ;) So I'm looking for suggestions where to set up that (I tried to do that on Freelists.org, but did not receive any response from them yet).

Best regards,

PS. I've posted this message on both mer-general and devel@lists.sailfishos.org mailing list, but I STRONGLY SUGGEST to discuss it on mer-general mailing list only to not cause chaos and cross postings (I hope soon dedicated mailing list will be set up).

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