Hi Aaron

Thanks for your answer.

qt5-qtlocation includes only the C++ library. To use with QML you will also need
qt5-qtdeclarative-import-location the QML import plugin

Ah, now I am beginning to understand. Last night (before your mail came) I did an experiment. As I could not find qt5-qtlocation where I was expecting it on the Emulator (in /usr/lib/qt5/qml/QtLocation), I rsynched qt5-qtlocation from the Toolchain to /usr/lib/qt5/qml/QtLocation on the Emulator.

After that QtCreator then gave me "module "QtLocation" plugin "declarative_location" not found".

So I zyppered that into the Emulator. This added libdeclarative_location.so to /usr/lib/qt5/qml/QtLocation, and hey-presto, no more QtLocation errors!

rpm -ql qt5-qtlocation will list the files included in the package.

gives me:

[root@SailfishEmul QtLocation]# rpm -ql qt5-qtlocation

I guess from the version numbers that these are from Qt 5.2



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