Hi Joseph

Thanks for your help

Zitat von "Joseph Crowell" <joseph.w.crow...@gmail.com>:

Looking through the packages, it looks like a device or service (like haze) has to supply a service file to interface with.

Haze has: org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.haze.service

I followed this thread "offline" with John Brooks, and forgot to report back success here. Basically all the "missing service file" errors disappeared after a restart of the Emulator and SDK, so presumably I actually had everything I needed installed, but something was not active.

Zitat von "Chris Lamb":

The "missing ChannelDispatcher service file" warning has disappeared. The
strangest thing is that I have not touched the code. My guess is that the
problem cured itself when the Emulator restarted.



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