i have no mb2 or mb commands. something missing in my installation?

On 12.11.2013 15:03, David Greaves wrote:
On 12/11/13 08:19, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
Can you give me example of using sb2 SailfishOS-i486-x86 environment for

$ sb2 -t SailfishOS-i486-x86 ./configure
Error: Target root directory does not exist
Failed to configure /opt/cross/bin/i486-meego-linux-gnu-gcc
Failed to upgrade configuration files
For some detail and background try:

However, the 'mb2' command was written to make life easy for us; it's rare to
use sb2 by itself.

Note that the Sailfish SDK sets up the targets in a private area so they can
only be used from inside the build engine VM.


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