On 21/11/13 10:50 PM, Robin Burchell wrote:
Hi Artem,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Artem Marchenko
<artem.marche...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for the update, Lekku
I, not L :-)

Will the apps violating these rules, but currently approved or submitted and
under QA still work fine for the launch? And will users get proper update
notifications when you change package name from e.g. flashlight to
com.iamcool.flashlight and update icon to 86x86?
Any update will trigger an update notification in store as far as I know.

What about the apps that are to be submitted today-tomorrow? Do you know
when this "will be a FAQ" will happen and since when shall it be enforced
(rather than just recommended)?
First draft was written yesterday, it might take a little longer while
we nail out a few final things. Not too long I'd hope.

*QML API and Shared libraries*
What about standard Qt5 modules such as qt5-qtdeclarative-systeminfo and
Can I still Require them in .yaml/.spec to guarantee that device will
install them or shall we bundle them in manually somehow?
You will still need to specify your requirements. Note: not everything
with a "Qt" in the name is necessarily supported. I'll make sure a
full list will come around the same time as the FAQ/with the FAQ.

In particular, as I understand it, QtSystemInfo is not yet API/ABI
stable upstream (Lorn, please correct me if I'm wrong...), so we are
unable to offer support for it at this time.

QtSystemInfo is not yet officially released from upstream, not stable and is currently undergoing a change in API. :)


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