I did some build directly on the SDK...
ssh to the build machine, then check the "mb2" command

mb2 --help

I think you need the
mb2 build
mb2 deploy

commands, though I need to get back to the SDK to tell for sure.


On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Matthias Fulz <mf...@olznet.de> wrote:
> Thanks for the hint, but I've already read that.
> I'm missing the parts on what commands do I need to run to compile / deploy
> a project.
> Basically I'm always coding under Emacs it would be great to know the
> commands, that needs to be run.
> Anyway if nobody knows a solution, I guess I'm trying to trace them out of
> the qt-creator.
> BR,
> Quoting nic...@nicoladefilippo.it:
>> Hi,
>> look here https://sailfishos.org/develop-faq.html "Build Engine"
>>             N.
>>> Hi,
>>> could someone explain me, how I can use the Sailfish SDK without the
>>> included
>>> qt-creator, please?
>>> I just need to know what needs to be done to create a new project,
>>> compile
>>> and
>>> deploy.
>>> I'm unable to find any tutorial or explanation on that.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matthias
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