On 12/06/2013 12:34 PM, Robin Burchell wrote:

They were moved into libsailfishapp so that we are easier able to roll out 
improvements to all applications if there’s a need. For instance, we ran into a 
bug with QtWayland that we had to temporarily work around in there a while ago.

I would recommend *not* subclassing QQuickView (since then you won’t get some of 
the performance enhancements on startup that libsailfishapp provides when you use 
createView and so on), but if you absolutely *must* subclass QQuickView, then just 
don’t use createView, and subclass QQuickView directly (& new it yourself).
Well, that means moving all C++ callback functions out of my inherited QQuickview ;-(
Just to be sure, will
return a QQuickView pointer ?
I need to set
returnedQQuickViewPointer->rootContext()->setContextProperty("myNewCPP", myNewCPPclass );


On 06 Dec 2013, at 11:58, Wim de Vries <wsvr...@xs4all.nl> wrote:

Just looking at the template and documentation of the latest SDK and found out 
that sailfishapplication.cpp and sailfishapplication.h were removed from the 
I used to redefine them (using MyQQuickview etc.).
Am I overlooking sth?

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