Hello again,

I think I found the problem. The moment the ListView is not visible anymore
it goes on a killing spree and starts creating delegates for around 50% of
all items in model.

If I put in a workaround like:

model: visible ? modelVar : null

The ListView works.

2013/12/14 Hendrik Borghorst <hendrikborgho...@gmail.com>

> Hello folks,
> I've got a problem with long lists (~25000 elements). All delegates are
> created at once which causes the memory usage to explode beyond the
> devices capability.
> I already tried setting "cacheBuffer: 0" in SiliciaListView but  it
> doesn't change it.
> Is the something I'm doing wrong.
> You can see the actual page code here:
> https://github.com/djselbeck/smpc/blob/master/pages/CurrentPlaylistPage.qml
> Shouldn't the delegates be constructed on demand? It is weird because my
> old n8 wasn't struggling with qml lists with this size.
> greetings and congrats on getting the devices to your customers (I'm
> very pleased)
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