> I'm investigating to see if it is possible to create a network monitor for
> SailfishOs. Something like
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobidia.android.mdm&feature=search_result
> I can read simple received/sent statistics from /proc/net/dev , but it
> would be more interesting to see the amount of data used per application.
> This is possible with libpcap and maybe with iptables, but both require
> root privileges (or at least the CAP_NET_RAW capability).
> So hopefully someone can answer the following questions:
> - Is there any possibility for a Harbour app to acquire extra
> priviliges/capabilities ?
> - If not can you think of any other way to report per-application network
> statistics ?

libpcap can't detect application level data transfer, and neither can

plus you don't want to set your interface promiscuous, nor make a
complicated iptables thing...

afaik, there is no way in linux to filter out per application, because,
you'd need to track which application bound what "source" port and track
data that way...

it's just not doable without realistically root access, a lot of tracing
of all applications (which would slow down) and possibly fucking up the
networking/internet access of the phone... most likely you'd have to
recompile the kernel even...

which "might" be an option is cgroups (though i doubt it), though i'm
unsure if at this time network traffic can be accounted/limited accross
cgroups though it could be a nice feature.

iow, give it up... :-) plus, when you get to the point of dozens of
openvpn networks and bridging and vlans and voip QoS in a different vlan
and such, things are gonna get complicated enough...

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