And here you are:

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Thomas Perl <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 09 Jan 2014, at 09:05, Wim de Vries <> wrote:
>> I am converting my aircraft navigation app to Sailfish.
>> It comes (default) with OpenStreet based maps + 3D data files of Western 
>> Europe (in RPM).
>> Most users will use this map, but some users may use their home made maps 
>> (generated by a PC application).
>> In the latter case, the users will delete this W-Europe map (it takes up 
>> quite some disk space).
>> So far so good, but the installation/RPM is a problem:
>> Harbour says that I should install the app data (very much bytes for the 
>> W-Eu map) in /usr/share/$NAME and in the first run of the app, copy them to 
>> But  now I am stuck with an enormous amount of (useless) data in 
>> /usr/share/$NAME that cannot be removed.
>> Any suggestions?
> The “copy stuff to the home directory of the user” is only relevant if you 
> want to e.g. ship default config files and install them to the config 
> directory on first start (the suggestion was put in place when somebody 
> wanted to install files to /home/nemo/.config/ in the RPM file, something 
> that will also lead to unhappy people in case of package upgrades, and that 
> was suggested as best practice if the code can’t deal with missing config 
> files - which it ideally should ;)). For big files, obviously it doesn’t make 
> sense to copy them to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$NAME. Instead, what you could do is 
> install them to /usr/share/$NAME, and then just have a flag in 
> $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$NAME if the user wants to disable the system-wide data (of 
> course, this doesn’t free the data, but in case hiding/not loading the data 
> will improve e.g. the startup time or user experience, it could still make 
> sense).
> For data that the package manager installs, only the package manager should 
> modify/remove the data. Making /usr/share/$NAME world-writable is not allowed 
> per harbour rules, and for good reason - if the user would e.g. delete the 
> pre-installed maps there, they would re-appear every time the app is 
> upgraded, or if the user modifies the data there (or the app), these changes 
> would be overwritten by a package upgrade.
> Also, another thing: Having big pre-installed data in the app packaged 
> (=inside the RPM) is bad, as it will require this data to be re-downloaded 
> every time the package is installed, and (during installation time) will take 
> up the space for the - temporarily downloaded - RPM and the extracted data 
> (you will need ~ 400 MB free to extract a 200 MB RPM file with 200 MB of data 
> inside, not taking into account compression and stuff).
> So, you have an app plus some big data that probably doesn’t change as often 
> as the code does (either it changes more often or it doesn’t change as often 
> - the data doesn’t usually have anything to do with code updates to your app 
> except if you happen to do some data format changes).
> There are basically two options:
>  1. Don’t ship any data with your application
>     - Small download and upgrade size, no wasted space
>     - For the “pre-packaged” maps, you could download them in the app on 
> first start
>  2. Ship data with your application, and don’t let the user delete it
>     - No need to host any data packages
>     - Package upgrades and first download will be unnecessarily large
> I’d suggest you do variant 1: Users who have a good connection might not 
> want/need to download much data upfront, they might just want to try out your 
> app (=easier when it’s a smaller download) and only after they’ve tried and 
> liked your app, they might go into the in-app menu and select something like 
> “download pre-packaged maps”. As your data seems to be open in some sense, 
> you might be able to either download it directly from the OSM servers, or you 
> package it up and put it up on some hosting service (e.g. 
> works well for hosting such data downloads, including mirroring - but any 
> other service or your own web server would work just as well).
> If you really do want to ship the data with your package, it should not be 
> possible to delete it, only possibly hide it from the UI of the application 
> via a setting that is stored in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$NAME. By the way, all the 
> data that you download should go into $XDG_DATA_HOME, not $XDG_CONFIG_HOME 
> (as the name suggests — this will allow backup and cleanup applications in 
> the future to e.g. backup / clean only the data directory (keeping the config 
> in place) or only deleting only the data). For data that you basically cache 
> from a web services, such as map tiles, $XDG_CACHE_HOME/$NAME might be an 
> even better place.
> Of course, you could also create a separate “Map pack” app entry for each 
> pre-loaded packs that just contains the map data, although I’m not sure if we 
> currently accept such “non-app” items (without a .desktop file and icon).
> For the future, if somebody wants to brainstorm it on, we 
> could have separate “data packages” for each app on harbour that the store 
> client takes care of installing and updating independent of the app, which 
> would also result in better bandwidth usage (data is only downloaded when 
> updated, app package updates can be downloaded and installed independently). 
> On Google Play, this mechanism is called “APK Expansion Files”: 
> - something 
> similar to that could solve the problem in your case, but we’re not there yet.
> HTH :)
> Thomas
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