Hi kaa

could you explain more exactly how you are expecting Assisted GPS to work?

It sounds like you are expecting it to show changes in position before a GPS fix has been acquired.

My understanding is that A-GPS is intended to get a useable fix faster. If you know roughly where you are, it is easier / quicker to calculate exactly where you are. Then once you have an accurate fix using the GPS signal it is easier to spot and track small changes.



Zitat von kaa <k...@iol.cz>:

BTW, Assisted GPS not work. Minimally not work in my country (Czech republic). But I know I am not alone, same problem is in other countries. Positon/location is changed always only with GPS signal on my Jolla. Is required some DB of BTS? Via which provider?
PS: I have unlimited O2 mobile data.


Dne 13.1.2014 11:01, christopher.l...@thurweb.ch napsal(a):
Hi Simon

In what order did you turn mobile date off, and activate the GPS app?

If the mobile data was really off, and not accessed or reactivated by the GPS then it potentially could take much longer to get a fix. Where mobile-data is permitted, then the GPS can use the A (assisted) part of A-GPS via mobile date to get a faster fix.



Zitat von "Simon Bolek" <simon.bo...@googlemail.com>:


After i turned on the Location (BTW waited the whole eternity to gain GPS
signal) and turned the MobileData OFF, i noticed that after reboot
MobileData is activated again!
I do not have a mobile data plan on my sim card, so i want it to be
deactivated, and no app whatsoever has rights to turn it on (for that I
could've bought android right away).
Is this a BUG or a FEATURE?


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