Hi Antoine

Your point is valid, in the old days of the N9 Simulator I was able to write code to detect the simulator vs real device.

But should it be necessary?

Why should we need to detect a difference between an Emulator / Simulator, and a real device?

Probably because of weaknesses in the Emulator / Simulator.

In my humble opinion, it would be much better if the Emulator was so good that from an app developer's point of view there is no difference when running on an Emulator vs a real device.

I know that by it's very nature an Emulator cannot do everything a real device can (GPS, Sensors, Camera, LED etc. spring to mind), but the N9 Simulator was a good example of what is possible in this area. Indeed the only reason that I was forced to write code to detect the N9 Simulator was due to differences in font sizing.

Therefore I think Jolla's effort is best spent on providing an emulator that closely matches a real device, and in providing appropriate plugins / tools to plug the few remaining gaps (e.g a GPS simulating plugin).


Zitat von "Artem Marchenko" <artem.marche...@gmail.com>:

You can propagate C++ knowledge to QML, Antoine

For example setContextProperty #ifdef QT_QML_DEBUG

Best regards,

On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Antoine Reversat <a.rever...@gmail.com>wrote:


I was wondering if there is a way to know if we're in debug mode or
running in the emulator in QML (something like the #ifdef QT_QML_DEBUG in
c++). I'd like to be able to act differently whether the app is running on
a real device or not.


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